18 month scans are clear

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion 18 month scans are clear

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    Excellent news Greg, thanks loads for sharing that with us all! Keeping fingers crossed for more success for you as well!

    Best wishes,



    Greg….I can only echo what others have said. Wishing for continued success and many more excellent reports.


    Dear Greg, it is good news and your attitude will get you the rest of the way. Keep on trekking and doing what you are doing to keep that joker at bay. Life is for the living and you are doing that well. Wishing you the very best and than you for the update.



    From your description, there are many positives to focus on, including detection at a relatively early stage and clear margins! I know even with a successful resection, it can be nerve-wracking wondering if the CC will return. I think you have a lot to be optimistic about, and you have a great attitude.

    Wishing you all the best.



    Good news Greg! Hope your success continues many years ! There has been a flurry of good news lately, ride the wave, live your life, god bless,Pat


    It has been 18 months since surgery at which time I was NED. 1 Year since the completion of Chemo and 10 months since the completion of radiation. My CT scan last week is clear and my CA 19-9 is 7. Liver enzymes are up from a few months ago but in the black. That worries me a bit as the last time I had elevated liver enzymes (many times the upper end of the normal range) it was because of a tumor. My CA 19-9 was always low even when I had the tumor. Oh well I am focused on the positive and will continue to do all of my integrative treatments to hopefully create an environment in my body in which cancer can not survive. Reset the timer for six months and keep my fingers crossed.
    I am grateful for all of my blessings including all of you that have been so kind. I continue to pray for all of us dealing with Cancer.
    BTW my diagnosis was stage 2 Hilar extrahepatic CC and I had the resection surgery with clear but some slim margins and 9 clear Lymph Nodes. The nerve was involved but I don’t quite know what weight that carries. Also my cancer cells were of the well differentiated type.
    God Bless

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