2012 Tandem Walks for Bile Duct Cancer

Discussion Board Forums Announcements 2012 Tandem Walks for Bile Duct Cancer

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    all donations will go directly to bile duct cancer research.

    The Bile Duct Cancer Walk began in 2008 after then-4th grader Denny Cmiel had an idea of how he could help after his aunt Levan Gray was diagnosed with bile duct cancer. Denny, along with his mom, Lynn Cmiel, organized the first bile duct cancer walk in honor of Levan Gray and Paul Ernst. Since 2008, this event has grown tremendously. Further details are listed in the following link:

    The 2011 Bile duct cancer walk had been hugely successful. You may read up on Sara’s comments in our Loose Leaf Notebook Blog:

    We would like to thank Denny, his Mom Joyce, and their family and friends for designating the proceeds of these walks to The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.

    Together we can and together we will make a difference.

    Love to all,

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