22 year old son,just diagnosed!?!?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion 22 year old son,just diagnosed!?!?

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    Dear Wensdi, welcome to the best place to be for CC support. OMG! I wish I knew how a young person of 22 gets CC. I believe the youngest we have had on here was 25 and there was only one. I did hear once of a girl 11 you had it. No rhyme or reason why. I can tell you that once treatment begins your fright will turn to fight. I am hoping one of our family will come along here and may have some insurance ideas for you. You have come to the right place and you are not alone as you have gained a whole new family. Attitude is very powerful and we do not believe in time frames. We have many members who were given months and they are still here. Please keep us updated on son’s progress as we truly care!


    My 22 year old just diagnosed with the disease..almost 3 weeks ago, on aggressive chemo, but Ucla won’t treat him anymore, no insurance!! Basically told us, sorry look elsewhere…gave him 7-13 months to live..
    Tomorrow we see a new oncologist at Uci medical center..
    Has anyone, had experience with a young child having this, and if so who, can help us.
    Thank you

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