3 month blood and ultrasound after resection please help me

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion 3 month blood and ultrasound after resection please help me

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    Agree with Debbie. We have reports of cysts and scar tissue. Perhaps one or the other may be the case with your Mum as well. Try to stay positive and try to relax.



    Getting test/scan results can be very scary and confusing and I know it’s hard not to worry. In your mum’s case, the good results from liver function and tumor marker tests are all a positive. The hyperechoic area of the liver that appeared on the ultrasound means the tissue is a little different than the surrounding liver tissue. It could be from anything, including the surgery. So I would advise not to worry (easier said than done) and instead see what the CT scan results show then see what the doctor says about it.

    I am sending thoughts of positive results for your mum.



    My mum was diagnosed with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. She had multipl tumors the largest was 8 cm.

    We had our blood test yesterday, her liver enzymes and her tumor markers are all so good. Nothing wrong about any of them.

    Today we had an ultrasound check up. And they said the is a ‘ 4 cm hyperechoic area’ on the right side of the liver. Her resection was %80 of the liver and the gall bladder. No lymph nodes clear margines. We didnt have adjuvant chemoteraphy.

    We had a CT scan today, but getting the results tomorrow.
    We are really confused. The doctor said it may be something about the surgery.

    Can it be a reccurence in only 3 months ?

    We had a CT scan 2 months ago and all was clean.. Can it grow 4 cm in only two months?
    The ultrasound report says ‘area’ not really like a lesion but i am so much scared.

    Does someone know anything about this?

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