3 Month Scan

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    Rob…..the wait is the pits…..so sorry for you having to wait for the answer you are desperate to hear. As Melinda said…keep living your life every day. I need to keep being reminded of that as well. It’s way too easy to feel like CC is drowning you in anxiety…..and we have to sometimes fight to stay above it. Try to stay busy with anything you can do to pass time and keep your mind off of it. Easy for me to say…..as I was a basket case for two weeks prior to my August 1, scan at Mayo and cried more often than I care to admit. I will be saying prayers for you that the next scan isn’t until September (that means you didn’t get sick) and that it gives clearer readings for the radiologist and doctors. Hugs…Julie T.


    Dear Rob,
    Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for the next CT in September to be clear! Keep on living your life everyday! Please keep us posted and know we are thinking of you!
    Melinda B.


    Rob……As they say: the report is only as good as the operator. From what I have learned, interpreting a scan is based on how the physician evaluates what he/she sees. It is for that reason that I am skeptical of the latest radiology report. Hang in there, dear Rob, and let’s see what other experts come up with. You may want to reach out to one of the major centers treating our disease for additional, expert opinions.


    Fingers crossed that this is the case and that the next scans will look much better.



    Hi Rob and Marybeth, thanks for the update and as long as you feel good keep on with your great recovery! September is less than a month away. I know it’s nerve wracking but what a game of “stump the DOCs”. Keep on keeping on!


    I should let the wife reply, she is so much better at this.

    After having my 3 month scan reviewed by the radiologist, 2 general surgeons, an oncologist, and my surgical oncologist. No one has seen anything like this before and they don’t necessarily agree with the radiologist report or know what it is, “numerous small ring-enhancing lesion throughout the liver”. One common thought is, if the numerous lesions were cancer, I would be really sick and I wouldn’t be gaining weight (ugh), riding my bike 4 miles (last night), and working everyday. They seem to think a 3 month scan is too early after major surgery and the spots could be some type of trauma from the resection or related to the surgery. Also, everyone said this is way too early and aggressive for choangiocarcinoma?

    We are going to do a CT scan next time in September or sooner if I get sick.



    I just posted a similar post regarding my husband’s three month ct scan. He has been receiving chemo since he also had clean margin and no lymph node involvement. “Something” showed up and now we wait for the surgeon to order more tests, most likely a MRI. I certainly know what you are doing through. My thoughts are with you and your family as you play the waiting game as we are.


    Rob….team (multidisciplinary) approach is perfect. Depending on confirmation of the scan results and not already part of the team, a radiation oncologist has a place in this setting as well.
    Please stay in touch, dear Rob. We care and we are in this together.


    Yes, he even did my original biopsy. He also reviewed and made reference to my original MRI in this report. I will have another opinion of the MRI and results next week, a team review.

    Thanks, you’re the best!



    Rob…..Who interpreted the latest scan; the same person familiar with your previous history?


    Dear Robjk, This is one of the hardest parts of CC and that is the scanxiety when you have to wait for your report. I have never been able to read the scans and we really do not have a scan reader on Board so am sorry to say you are probably going to have to wait until Monday. Perhaps try to keep your mind busy like take in some movies or do something that will keep you busy. Hoping for the best outcome and please do let us know. If I could I would send a few Valium your way to get through the next 2 days! Be strong!


    After a liver resection with clean margins. I had my first (3) month scan this week and its hard to tell how many, but we see a bunch of small spots in my liver and spleen? Here is the quoted text from the report “There has been interval development of numerous small ring-enhancing lesions throughout the liver. There are several anterior mesenteric lymph nodes seen that are new since the previous exam, with the largest measuring 2cm in diameter. The portal vein and hepatic vein branches are patent without evidence of filling defect.” then it goes on to say “this is consistent with metastatic disease” My medical oncologist is on vacation and today I Fedex a copy of the scan to my surgical oncologist. Looks like its going to be another long weekend wondering.

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