3 Years Ago Today

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance 3 Years Ago Today

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  • #67503

    How sweet, Gavin, to share this memory and acknowledge this anniversary of your fathers passing. Bless you.


    Thank you Lainy!!


    Hello, Dearest Gavin, beautiful post and we are so happy now that the good memories far outweigh the bad. I know for sure that your Dad would be so happy and proud of you for the way you are taking care of your Mum. You are such a wonderful son!

    • I wish heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice again.
    • I thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
    • I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
    • I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
    • All I have are memories and pictures in a frame.
    • Your memory is a keepsake, from which I’ll never part.
    • God has you in his arms…I have you in my heart


    It was 3 years ago today that my dad lost his fight with CC. Really can’t believe that it has been 3 years, sometimes it doesn’t feel like 3 years, but on the other hand, sometimes it feels longer! Very strange.

    Never good these anniversaries, but we get used to them don’t we. Today I have only looked back with fond memories and had many a chuckle to myself. Of course the bad memories and the tough times will always be there, but they will always be outshone by the good memories, the laughs and the happy times! Like the time we were fishing on some rocks years ago and nearly got caught out with the incoming tide! We had to grab the gear, leggit and make a jump for it or get caught out. Dad landed in some mud, lost his welly boot and was not happy! Mum went berserk at him when she found out but I found the whole thing hilarious, as did he many years later when I reminded him about it!!! Happy days! :)

    Dad, you are sorely missed and much loved, and you always will be.

    Much love,


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