43 yr old male diagnosed last month

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! 43 yr old male diagnosed last month

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    I had 5 chemo treatments of cisplatin and gemzar. It was no fun. I have one more. I also do a short day each month in between. Anyway, I have no energy but am coming around a bit. My back is healing from the spine surgery. The chemo is not working.

    They are going to do foundation 1 genomic testing? Anyone have any info on this? Thanks, Paul


    Hi Paul –

    Sorry to see you here but there are great people on board this site that can hopefully help you out.

    I just joined myself, ICC, and amazingly, I live in Shelby Twp as well. Not sure what the odds of that are but “welcome neighbor” even if it’s under these unfortunate circumstances.

    I just had a meeting this morning with the surgeons at Univ of Mich Hospital to talk about options. Currently I’m being treated at Beaumont – Royal Oak. They both seem to be very good treatment centers and Beaumont took care of my kidney cancer in the past.


    Have you tried applying for medicaid? I know it’s not a fast process, but just as Kris v recommended, speak to the social worker and they may be able to give you information. Let them know of your situation and hopefully, they can assist you in the right direction.


    Hi Paul –
    As everyone says welcome to the family of the roller coaster ride that is CC….and its not nearly as much fun as a roller coaster. Most of us would rather skip it.
    I would echo what everyone else says…there should be a social worker at your oncology center or hospital that can assist you with most anything. The other thing you may try is Area Agency on Aging. They are usually for over the age of 60 in most areas but also for anyone deemed disabled and they can help you access resources. Local churches may have the ability to help even if you are not one of their congregation. You may also look and see if you have a chapter of LOVE INC (Love in the Name of Christ) and they are wonderful.
    And don’t feel bad about asking friends and family to help out. I was very proud and didn’t want to ask for help after my husband was diagnosed but I finally had to….gas, hotels, meals and not working were getting overwhelming. One of my co-workers organised a fund raiser garage sale that brought in over a thousand dollars. You may see if someone in your family is willing to do that. The other thing is set up a GoFundMe account where people can just donate money to you.

    Hang in there and keep us posted.



    Hi Paul,

    Just another welcome. Can’t add much but to say “ditto” to all the above.
    Glad you found us, but sorry you had to. Hoping for the best in the future for you. Please let us know how things are going. We care.



    Hi Paul. Another welcome to the site. I am sorry you had to find us as well. But here you will get a tremendous amount of care and support. So please feel free to ask, comment, and vent away. Strength and blessings to you and your family and best wishes on your journey ahead of you.


    Dear Paul, welcome to the best little place to be for CC but sorry you had to find us. I am wondering if the hospital has someone in finance or social work who can help you with some ideas to get through the financial part of this. Guess that is why we are an elite club as CC is very pricey! Just kidding. But do ask at the hospital. I know when you first hear CC your first thought is WHAT? Some of us have trouble even pronouncing it! And then you feel like you have been hit in the stomach with a bat. But I promise you that once treatment begins your fright will turn to fight! We are also BIG believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions! Hang in here as we have a very smart family and I know you will get more suggestions! In the meantime please keep us posted, you are not alone.


    Dear Pauldetroit,

    Welcome to the forum although I am sorry that you have been diagnosed and had to come here.

    There is so much support and knowledge here and I know that others will be along very soon to welcome and support you. Please don’t apologise for grammar and analytical skills as there is no need to. No-one will criticise you here – its just not that kind of place.


    I came up with jaundice, went to hospital. Long story short, i had to have spine surgery to fuse it since the cancer was taking over. They said I was lucky not to have cracked it and become paralyzed. Anyway, 2 months later I have had two stents in bile duct (no problem.) Radiation 10 days, and now into chemo, just had 2nd treatment. I have two rounds, one is 8 hours, the other is short half hour every couple weeks. Its all a shock, I lost about 30 pounds and have been on painkillers for all the back and skeletel pain from the cancer so forgive my grammer and analytical skills please.

    The cancer is in my liver, pancreas, spine, ribs, and more, but, for now I am just moving around a bit and taking meds. I sleep quite a bit, but not all day. I have two boys, 15,and 10. Wife too, she has been great and i have great family support thank god. However, money is tight to having none. SS insurance is approved but wont kick till may, and short term is coming thru shortly, but we need help financially. We have to pay the health insurance and keep these boys fed. Family is helping tremendously, but that cant last forever.

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