5 year mark…and still going! :)

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working 5 year mark…and still going! :)

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    Melinda….wonderful and touching. You are a inspiration to many. We count on you.


    Go Melinda!!! Love hearing how everything is going for you and I know that you inspire so many people with what you have and are going through!

    Nothing with getting grumpy or feeling down sometimes, don’t beat yourself up about that please.

    Thank you for sharing everything with us all!! It is so much appreciated from by so many people worldwide.




    You are an Inspiration and give so much hope to all of us. Thank you for sharing your journey and being a trailblazer ! May God continue to bless you.


    You are certainly an inspiration to the rest of us just beginning our journeys. Congratulations for your healthy immune system and your continued success in fighting this ugly disease.
    Please keep posting…you give me such hope.
    God Bless,
    Melinda A


    Melinda, I am so happy for you…and have followed your story since my own diagnosis. You know….though…it’s okay to be grumpy now and then…NO one is happy, happy, happy ALL the time. :)))) It’s just important to recognize the important stuff….and try to throw off the small irritations, isn’t it? But, we’re all normal…or hope to be. I’m so proud to know you through this forum…and maybe some day we’ll meet in person. Until that time…..thank you for continuing to share your “adventures” with CC and giving everyone some hope for a cure.


    Dear Melinda B, you are a true poster Girl for CC. You bring so much hope for everyone and you have such a wonderful attitude. We are so proud to have you with us and admire you so very much. Miracles DO happen!



    What a tremendous milestone- Congratulations! And I agree that in the not too distant future, we will see your treatment protocol curing others as well, but for now thankful that it has helped you and your story gives hope to many others.



    It was five years ago today that I first heard those fateful words from my doctor…..”I am so sorry, but you have cancer.” My life would never be the same normal it was before those words. I now have a new normal, a new outlook on life. The last five years have not all been bad, there has been good, really good and not so good days. I have had the opportunity to grow closer in my relationships, grow in my faith and share my journey with so many other cancer survivors.

    I have grown close with many other cancer fighters and cried when some have lost their fight. I want so desperately to help others win this fight. I find it hard some days that I am doing so well when others are not. I do know how truly blessed I am, and I get so angry at myself when I waste a single moment being angry, grumpy or so concerned with a clean house that I forget what is really important. I do know how precious each moment is…….I am so thankful to God, my family and my doctors and research scientists at the National Institute of Health for the gift of these past almost 3 years.

    I just spent the past year fighting stage IV cholangiocarcinoma with no chemo or radiation! My immune system is doing the work! It is a miracle! I believe with all my heart that they will perfect this treatment so that many others will benefit from it as well.

    Thank you all for your continued support and prayers…..lots of love to you all…..Melinda B.

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