I am on 5FU at the minute (I actually finish it tomorrow after 30 doses) It did make me quite sick at times, it was strange as some months were better than others. I also got:
Bad taste usually lasts about a week
Sore mouth i.e. gums etc you can get good mouth washes for this
Sore lips they seemed to blister and can be sore but you get a very good paste for this
Skin dried up on hands and fingers, not much of a problem a good hand cream sorts this out although the tips of my fingers sometimes get sore but all in all not a big issue.
You also tend to get an upset tummy and run to the toilet quite a bit this seems to get worse as the months progress but you can get very good tables to sort this out.
My hair thinned but I still have a good head of hair.
Tiredness is a big problem but you have deal with it as best you can again it gets worse as the time progresses, you just do what you can, if I have plans in the evening I tend to rest alot more during the day.
My Minister advised me that I needed to be selfish and to look after myself first, that is hard espically as I have a wife and 3 year old son, but at the end of the day you have to be selfish so to speak and take care of yourself first. 6 months seems along time but it does go in quicker than you might think. I hope this helps and does not put you off I am glad I went through with the treatment.