A nationwide population-based study shows increasing incidence of chol

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    As usual Momma, you sound even busier than me, especially with your socialising! Pasta night sounds like it was a good night, of course it was though as they were eating your pasta!! And 4 “young” single dudes asking for your number….whoa….. I will have to check them all out!!! You sound very happy there Lainy and that makes me very happy too! :)

    Expect to see me boinging over your fence tomorrow night! Well night time for me, middle of the sweltering day for you!!! Missing you too!!




    I know, I know. I had 6 guests for Pasta Wed, night. 4 of them are the nicest “young” single guys who have already asked for my phone number and given theirs to me in case I need anything. I am so happy here, Gavin. Then I have been cooking and freezing meals for when Maria comes in the end of the Month. This weekend a good blether and let me know how Mum is doing.


    Yep Lainy, we sure do need a blether! Been very busy here so not been able to be around as much last week. But, I’ll boing over your way this weekend for a blether, hope you’ve got some cold drinks in the fridge!!!


    Kris, Cancer of the year? What a claim to fame. Wish with all my might we could have been famous for something else! Hope you are doing good and hanging in there!


    I have a feeling it is the “cancer of the year” from everything I’ve heard lately. Not only are our members increasing, but when I go to NY I usually find 1 or 2 people there with it or with an “as yet unknown” cancer around liver.


    Thanks Eli, don’t know why I am always thinking it is the “other” place. I had trouble reading it.


    Lainy, it’s a study out of Taiwan, about Taiwan. They say that CC incidence is increasing in Taiwan. That doesn’t automatically mean that it’s increasing everywhere. Each country is a bit different.

    I can’t access the full text of the study, so I can’t see what they have to say about the reasons. Maybe Taiwanese increased their consumption of raw sushi? Or alcohol? Who knows.


    Gavin, so unbelievable! I was hoping more people were finding our CC site but that CC itself was not increasing. We need to blether, been missing you!


    A nationwide population-based study shows increasing incidence of cholangiocarcinoma.


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