A new age of cancer classification and treatment

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    Thanks Mary! The meds seemed to work quite well for mum this time so no trip to the hospital! And the decorating, well I’m getting there! Just finished the 3rd coat on the kitchen tonight and might do a 4th and hopefully final one on it tomorrow morning! Still got the kitchen ceiling to do but can’t do that until I get my mate to remove the old strip light and replace it with spotlights. Then onto the living room!! :)




    Oh Gavin,

    A brave man you are taking on a complete house renovation at once!!! My hat off to you!!! Just think how good it will feel when it’s all done and you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!!

    I’m sorry to hear your mum is not well. Hopefully, you can get the chest infection under control without a hospital stay. I know how depressing those stays can be.

    Stay well and keep us posted (and hopefully some pics) on the renovations.

    Peace & Love,


    Morning Percy, Marion and Lainy,

    Yes I liked the article too and thought it a good one so wanted to post it here as well for others to read. Decorating at the villa is progressing slowly but at least I am making progress! Seems to be taking for ever and pretty much all of my free time is spent with it hence my not being around here as much as I’d like to be. My apologies for that but I think I should be done in around another 2 weeks or so. At least I hope so as it is starting to do my head in!

    It seems like the more I do the more that it turns out has to be done, grrrr! Having to redo the bedroom was a major pain but at least it is pretty much as I want it now and just have to paper the side bits to the window to cover the repairs I had to do to the 3 big holes in the wall. Kitchen all sanded and prepped and will be painted by the weekend, bedroom finished start of next week and that just leaves the living room. Will get to that last as I keep needing to move everything out of one room to another to have enough space to paint. The end is in sight though finally and never again will I decide to do the whole house in one go!!!

    Haven’t seen any football this year so far, more grrrr to that as well. Just haven’t had the time. And mum has had another chest infection as well so trying to keep on top of that to keep her out of the hospital this time. Meds seemed to have worked so far but some it seems to be lingering around. And for sure Percy I’ll say hi to her from you today.

    Hope you enjoy Palm Springs Lainy, sounds lovely! Weather will be great no doubt and better than the frosty morning we have here today, brrrrr! Have a good one! Hopefully I will be back to normal here in a few weeks with a habitable house!

    Hugs to you all,



    Good job, Gavin!
    Say how about those Packers! Teddy’s daughter called me Sunday morning and she said, “I talked to Dad this morning and I asked him to come through the Coaches for the Game”….guess he did!

    This weekend I will be in Pam Springs for an engagement party for T Granddaughter. The GD is totally Packer but all the rest are from da Bear
    country! They are so Bear it wouldn’t surprise me if they invited Percy to rag on me!!!! JK


    I agree, Gavin. Nice find and thanks for posting it for all to read.


    Hi, Gavin,
    it is an easy to understand version of the trend in the treatment of cancers now and for the future. Well done.
    Make sure to say hi to your mom for me, and how’s your newly decorated Scottish villa ? It must be good .
    Well, the weather now in this BEARS country is cool and wet today with a chance of frost tonite; the same can be apply to the BEARS this coming Sunday if the Steelers wakes up and put a strong defense again the BEARS’s fragile offense.

    God bless.

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