A visit from dad today

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    What a beautiful story. I too am a believer and have had several “visits” from Jim. I’m sure your mom and dad wanted you to know they are together and that it is OK. I also picture them smiling and doing the Lindy. :)

    Love & Hugs,


    Alla, I love the night light story and I do believe it was Marty. How nice that you were invited out for Thanksgiving. I have 3 friends coming from Milwaukee and it will be their 17th Thanksgiving with me. So there will be 10 of us and I just know Teddy will be around here somewhere. I wonder if our 2 boys met up yet? Teddy was always a meeter and greeter. Alla, I am just so proud of you and the way you started to live your “new normal.”


    Very beautiful!
    On the day of my husband’ funeral, me and the family were sitting outside in the back yard and white butterfly flew right by us. I was thinking the same thing, that it was my hubby, “saying hi”. And last night his night light was on, when I came to bed, and nobody was upstairs. Of course I do have 2 cats, that might have turned it on by walking by, but they don’t usually do that… This night light is turned on by touching it. It will be first Thanksgiving without my husband, but 2 families had invited us, so now have a dilemma of choosing! Hope it’d be a little easier, spending holiday with the friends.
    Sincerely, Alla


    Hi inmemoryofdad,

    I’m a believer also. We see little white butterflies in the summer when we are outside and have always thought they were my Grandma Millie. She was a little lady with really white hair. We don’t see her in the winter and I figure that as in life, she got cold easily and likes to be in Florida.



    Beautiful and touching.
    Hugs to you,


    This was a beautiful story and I am a big believer. When you feel sad about your Mom and Dad think instead of how happy they are now that they are together again. We all hopefully will do the best we can now and for the Holidays as that is what our loved ones would want. This will be my second set of Holidays as Dec. will mark 2 years and I hope it will be OK. I keep busy so as not to think too much, having 10 for Thanksgiving. Thank you for the wonderful post.


    Hi all
    I guess here is where i should be posting this kind of a story, Before my dad got sick whenever we saw a butterfly he would say “oh look mom came to visit”, When i was thinking about her one would appear, well dad is gone for 9 months now and when ever I think of him I see a butterfly, The strange thing is a few weeks back we had a service at dad’s grave to unveil his footstone, and in the middle of the speech I was making in flies 2 very colorful butterflies, I guess it was mom and dad coming to visit and let me know they are together again, Well with thanksgiving coming I have been thinking what is it going to be like without my dad here, both of my parents are gone and I do miss them so much. I am at work this morning and the office was very warm so i decided to go outside for a bit of fresh air, I thought to myself it would be nice to have a sign from my parents that the holidays will be ok, I looked to the right and there they were 2 colorful butterflies flying by, it is very strange because it is a very cold and rainy day here, I guess they just wanted to visit with me for a minute.

    I hope all that are dealing with cancer and their families can try to enjoy the holidays, and for those who have lost someone, please remember they they are always closein our hearts

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