A visit with our friend

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    Your posting was wonderful! It brought tears to my eyes. I know that Lucille is at peace and bless you for never leaving her side. As caregivers there are times when one just wants to throw in the towel, but we don’t because of that LOVE!

    Go with God and keep your memories close to your heart.


    Dearest Ron,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved Lucille. She fought long and hard. My heart is breaking for you….

    I’m sending love, hugs and prayers for strength…


    Ron….your experience is invaluable to all CC patients. Lucille is in our hearts forever as are you, dear Ron and together we are in the fight for early detection methods and improved treatment options for this cancer.
    All my love,


    thank you all for your kind words and prayers…..i will still be here, hopefully our knowledge may be able to help some one….i will continue to fight this monster along with you and continue to push for research….again lucille and i thank you


    I am so very sorry, Ron. My thoughts are with you & your family. I wish there were something I could say to make things better. You kept your promises to Lucille & never left her side. What a wonderful testament to the love you both shared.

    My very best to you
    Julia x


    Dear Ron,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your beloved Lucille. I wish that there was something that I could say to you right now that would help. My sincerest condolences to you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    Oh Ron. What a sad time this is for all. I know that there are no words to ease your pain.
    A tidal wave of love coming your way and that of your family.


    Dear Ron,
    Please accept my hearfelt condolences. I can imagine your sense of grief and loss. The “bride of my youth”, my wife of 46 years is the reason I get up every day. May God heal your broken heart.



    Dear Ron,

    I am saddened to hear that Lucille has lost her fight with CC. As Lainy said, no words can ease the pain and sadness of losing your soul mate, the love of your life. I have been where you are now. Our story much the same as yours and although it is almost 3 years since I lost Jim, I still miss him every day. Yes, this is the hardest thing you will every do. Try to take some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering and has moved on to a better place. Our loved ones will always be with us in our hearts and memories. Although we would rather they were here with us physically, we would not want them to have to continue to suffer. The void that is left can never be filled, but know that the pain does ease some with time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,


    My Dearest Ron, I am so very sorry to hear about Lucille. I know exactly where you are coming from and from our 2 years together here I feel I even know you personally. I know that at this time no words can penetrate the heart but I would like to send you this little poem and my prayers are sailing out to you:
    From Lucille to Ron

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, my Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eyes a tear.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,


    hi all, it has been a while since i have posted anything but i have kepted up with the site daily trying to help if possible. I will try to keep my post as short as i can.Forty two years ago this past March i met a young girl i took a fancy to, something about her was different,different from the way the young girls were growing up at that time. Me being backwards and shy i had to get my courage up to ask her out on a date, well i asked and she said yes. We went to the movies and dated for 2 years and all during those 2 years not a day went by that we were not in each others company.We went and did everything together, no matter what we had to see each other.I never wanted or loved anything or anyone like i loved her in my life, she was my world. We were married on March 6th, the day after her birthday and i vowed never to leave her side and i never did. For the next 40 years waking up everyday and seeing her was all i ever needed.Even when we would argue, and we did, what married couple doesnt, a kiss goodnight made everything all right. Things were going good,the kids college and weddings were paid for, we bought a house on the ocean and said its time for us to enjoy life, we earned it. Then a simple blood test brought our whole world down, her liver levels were a bit elevated, but not to worry its probably a stone. Well it turned out to be cholangiocarcinoma, that was three and a half years ago.The doctors gave her 6 months, which we refused to believe and she fought like hell, first chemo than s.i.r.e.s and after that nothing. All she wanted now was to enjoy our granddaughter and just life, the simple everyday things, which i made sure she did. The crazy thing is, is that she looked like the picture of health, you would never know she was sick by looking at her. This past thursday i lost my love, she past away at home with me and her family by her side and i kept my promise to her, i never left her side. This, watching her go was the hardest thing i have ever done. The moment her heart stopped beating so did mine, i made her another promise, that when my days here on earth are done that i would find her and i will. So if you have some one you love tell them you love them, hold and kiss them you will feel better for it. Now, i just want to thank the people on this site who have been so helpful to us for the last three and a half years and again im sorry for the lenght of this post…..thank you and god bless you…..ron and lucille


    Marcy, I am so glad you and your husband made the “visit”. I know it must have been so hard but I also knew everything would be normal and that your ill friend would talk about it to you. Normally NOTHING can come between life long friends. Thank you for the update and prayers go out to your friend.


    Marcy….you visit must have made your husband’s friend very happy. It appears to have gone very well and I applaud you for being there for him and for supporting him in his decision to fight this cancer.
    Jaundice may be present for quite some time but, should decrease if the stent and drainige can perform as intended.
    What wonderful friends you are.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could enjoy a friendship such as yours?
    All my best wishes,


    I posted a couple of weeks ago asking for advice on talking to my husband’s best friend. We received word from the family (his sister-in-law is a nurse and he has moved in with them) that it would now be OK to visit. We live quite a ways away. Our visits had been cancelled several times by emergency trips to the hospital for transfusions and other complications. We did as suggested-just tried to be ourselves. We asked a few treatment questions after we realized that he was eager to talk about all of it.

    He had a very hard time with his first dose of chemo but he believes he will do better with an adjusted dose this time around. Although he was only diagnosed a month ago he has what I assume to be cachexia. He is now extremely thin and unable to walk without assistance. He is somewhat jaundiced even though he has a stent to his duodenum and I believe an external drain. I’m not sure why he is still jaundiced.

    We came away feeling much better than we expected because although he is not unaware of the challenges he is facing due to very late diagnosis he wants to go through the treatments and any clinical trials that are available. He is a very honest person and he wanted us to know that he is not depressed nor has he given up hope.

    I check this site often. If it weren’t for this group we would be completely in the dark about this disease. I have been able to offer explanations to some of my husband’s questions because of what you write here. Thank you.

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