A warrior has passed on…

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    Dearest Patti, I am so very sorry to read about Bruce. Yes, he was a valiant warrior and to raise the money he did for Liver Cancer we cannot thank him enough! He was one of a kind and I love you comparing him to a meteor! Yes, he is home safe and healthy and happy!

    From a book of blessings called “Benedictus” by John O’Donohue – Irish Poet & Philosopher

    When you lose someone you love,
    Your life becomes strange,
    The ground beneath you becomes fragile,
    Your thoughts make your eyes unsure;
    And some dead echo drags your voice down
    Where words have no confidence
    Your heart has grown heavy with loss.
    And though this loss has wounded others too,
    No one knows what has been taken from you
    When the silence of absence deepens.
    There are days when you wake up happy;
    Again inside the fullness of life,
    Until the moment breaks
    And you are thrown back
    Onto the black tide of loss.
    Days when you have your heart back,
    You are able to function well
    Until in the middle of work or encounter,
    Suddenly with no warning,
    You are ambushed by grief.
    More than you, it knows its way
    And will find the right time
    To pull and pull the rope of grief
    Until that coiled hill of tears
    Has reduced to its last drop.
    Gradually, you will learn acquaintance
    With the invisible form of your departed;
    And when the work of grief is done,
    The wound of loss will heal
    And you will have learned
    And be able to enter the hearth
    In your soul where your loved one
    Has awaited your return
    All the time.


    Dearest friends, it is with the heaviest of hearts that I share with you the news of the passing of my dear brother Bruce.

    Bruce fought the most courageous battle against cholangiocarcinoma over the past 3.5 years, after being originally told that he would only have 4-6 months. He was a beacon for many fighting this terrible disease. Bruce’s cancer was diagnosed after a routine physical in 2009. He did not shy away from the battle and used the setback to help raise a half-million dollars for the Raizman-Haney Endowed Fund to finance liver cancer research. This fund will be used to teach and train surgeons to work with bile duct cancer.

    Bruce went peacefully January 17th, not in pain and at home. Bruce was a brilliant meteor blazing across the sky – flashing with beautiful and amazing light, but gone too soon. Our hearts are so heavy with grief…but filled also with gratitude that he is home and safe.

    Please lift up my family and Bruce’s many family members and friends in prayers for strength and healing. We loved him so! And OH did he love us! I will miss you always, dear brother…until we meet again…

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