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    Everyone who goes loves MD Anderson so try not to worry to much about the quality of his care.

    Getting the pain under control is the first step and from my point of view the most important. I hope things become more clear in the upcoming days.



    Dear Dsworld, thanks for the update. Your brother couldn’t be in a better place.
    We are so happy they hav ethe pain under control and soon when they come up with a game plan everyone will be able to relax a little. Please keep us posted.


    dsworld…..I am so glad to hear that the pain has been controlled. Your brother is in good hands at MD Anderson. I am crossing my fingers for the test results to clarify the origin of his cancer and for a treatment plan to emerge.
    All my best wishes,


    hi guys,

    it sounds like jaundice is pretty common with this kind of cancer. but, my brother just recently developed tumors in the liver (inside, there are two). i dont believe this showed on the first ct scan, but he had another ct scan on saturday and the tumors are present. he also now has jaundice – – but this is recent, within the last week or so.
    on july 23rd his colorectal surgeon found nodules on his stomach and the biopsy was malignant. that was in oklahoma city. we had several physicians and oncologists look at his slides in okc and at univ of oklahoma. they could not find a primary. it was believed at one time that his gall bladder (removed on july 23rd) may have been the primary. we applied to md anderson as soon as he was diagnosed on the 23rd.
    fast forward a few weeks….he’s now in houston, tx at md anderson. he had decided to stay with my sister in houston until we heard from md anderson. but when the pain became unbearable, he had to go to er on this past saturday. so he is currently in the hospital at md anderson and the pain meds are working well. they are gathering information, running tests, etc. at this point. i’m hoping he will begin treatment soon and i’m happy that he hasnt been in pain for three days.


    Hi D,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry to hear of your brothers diagnosis and that you had to find us all. Please keep coming back here as you will get a load of support from us all, and feel free to ask any questions and we will help if we can.

    Where about was your brother diagnosed and where is he being seen? My dads experience was different to your brothers in that his jaundice was the first symptom that showed. He was diagnosed back in 2008 with inoperable CC and he had PDT as his treatment. Has your brother had a second opinion here?

    I am sure that others will be along soon to offer their thoughts and experiences. What is your borther being given for the pain and if this is not working then perhaps it is worth discussing with the doctors an alternative type of medication.

    Best wishes to you and your brother,



    Welcome to our CC family,

    Whilst my Dads story isn’t exactly like your brothers, he was diagnosed in April after 2 months of Jaundice. His tumor is extrahepatic (outside the liver) and inoperable. He has had no treatment so far as he keeps having problems with his metal stents. His last CT scan showed no change from his original in March. So in 6 months no change with no treatment.

    My Dad is luckily in no pain, your brother has been through alot with his operations, perhaps the pain is through this and not the CC. Perhaps you could discuss pain relief with his Doctors.

    Best wishes to you and your brother


    my brother, age 64, was diagnosed on 07.23.10 when his gall bladder was being removed. from that moment our family has lived a different life than before. i am encouraged by some of the posts i read here and sobered by others. i continue to read to find out what he might be experiencing. he’s in so much pain, that i can ‘feel’ it. the doctor said stage 4. he had a colostomy in early august, but today the doctors believe there is another obstruction. he’s had no treatment as of yet, because of recovering from the surgeries (gall bladder, colostomy and a stent in his bladder). i’m really worried about him having not been treated. anyone have a similar experience? d

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