? about Alkaline Phosphatase levels

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    I posted the link. http://www.labtestsonline.org/

    (the difference is the “s” after test)

    Gotta run to Greensboro in the next few to take my Mom and Dad to Duke.

    Talk to you soon,



    Hello Pam…I have not had a chance to look up your previous posting. Just wanted to confirm the link. Is it http://www.labtestonline.org? If so, would you mind posting it under New Developments, also? This way it won’t get lost until Rick can move it to wherever he feels it to be best for others to use this valuable resource.
    Thanks Pam,


    I’m so glad you got the information you needed from the website I posted. I work in the medical laboratory but since I work in Pathology, I sometimes need the background stuff from the clinical side of the lab. I can’t tell you the number of times I refer to labtestsonline.

    I’m so sorry about your Dad. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.



    Hi- I’m so glad the website helped, and even better, a doctor was able to reassure you.
    I had never heard of ferritin, so I looked it up, and it’s indicated in anemia and restless legs syndrome – two things that have affected me, so it was very helpful to learn about it. My bloodwork said I have low protein levels, but didn’t break it down, so I wonder if my ferritin is low, too. So thank you for bringing this up!
    Also, I realize I didn’t extend my condolences earlier. I’m so sorry about your dad. I know this time of year is especially hard – I hope you manage to get through the holiday season okay.
    -Joyce M


    Thank you both so much. I read the labtest website & it is wonderful. I spoke to another dr. this am & he reassured me that because my other levels were normal, I had nothing to worry about. (Although, anytime someone passes away of something, you always wonder). I do need to address my extremely low ferritin though. Thanks Again!


    Hi – I was also concerned a few months ago after routine blood work showed elevated GGT levels, and the website about lab results really helped me understand that other factors, like recent Tylenol use, can cause the numbers. I wish I had the website, but if you search under “lab results” maybe you can find it. Best of luck to you!
    Joyce M


    I’m very sorry to hear about your dad. I know they do say that there is no information that it is hereditary but given the lack of research about CC in general, one wonders if the issue has actually been studied very extensively.

    I did want to point you in the direction of a very good website that Cherbourg posted…just look in the website section and it’s specifically on lab tests. There’s a very good explanation of Alkaline Phosphatase and the significance of elevation taken in context with the other liver function values. I think you’ll find it very helpful.

    I’m hoping all the best for you!





    I haven’t posted in awhile. My father died of CC back in May . I know they say that CC isn’t heridetary, but I recently had some bloodwork because of fatigue. My ferritin level was below 1, not even in the range. My Alkaline PHosphatase was 153 (38-126 being normal). Bilirubin was .30 (fine). The Alkaline PHosphatase is concerning me because everything I’ve read about AP says that it could read high with bile duct obstruction. I’ve never had any pain to make me think anything about my gallbladder. The dr. wants me to take iron tabs. for a month & more bloodwork. What concerns me is that possibily the ferritin could be low & the AP high because the iron enzymes aren’t being broken down & could build up the AP in the liver. Can anyone please tell me what AP levels are with someone with CC? I don’t have my father’s labs anymore. I gave them to my mom & it was too hard for her to keep all of the paperwork on his cancer. I know I probably sound crazy, but this has been worrying me for a week. My dr. didn’t even mention the high AP, knowing that my father died of CC. Thanks!

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