About Trevor Bougill

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance About Trevor Bougill

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  • #65358

    This is so very very sad indeed. My condolences to Trevor’s family and my thoughts are with them as well right now.


    Lauren and I were friends with him too on Facebook and through e-mail. We were so shocked and saddened when we learned he had passed back in August. I thought his family might post something on here. I didn’t feel it was my place to share the news. May he rest in peace.


    It is sad indeed when we loose someone so young! I send my deepest sympathies and most heartfelt prayers to Trevor’s family!


    My heart goes out to Trevor’s family for having lost a beautiful, young, man to this horrific cancer.
    May our Trevor rest in peace. He will never be forgotten on this site and he is forever in my heart.
    All my love,


    Hi, everyone,

    With sadness in my heart, Trevor Bougill, one of the younger patient who had liver transplant at Mayo Clinic passed away in August this year. I was in touch with him thru emails for the past 6-8 months and I try my best to inform and comfort him. I began suspicious when no exchanged of email since the end of July when he asked me about different treatment plans that Dr. JAVLE will plan for him.
    Below is the link , it was at the very end of the post when the author dedicated this writing to him, his friend, Trevor Bougill. He was only 25.
    Trevor, may you rest in peace.
    This is a post dedicated to Trevor by the writer,you have to go all the way to the end to read the statement. But I hope from his family to confirm and tell us what happened for such a quick turn around so we can learn from him thru his short but memorable life and contribution to this disease.
    God bless.

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