Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed!

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  • #52451

    Hi SG,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but glad that you have joined us here as you will get a ton of support and help from us all. You have done the right thing here in seeking further information about CC, and the better informed you are the better informed you will all be when it comes to making decisions on treatment etc.

    I assume that seeing as you say a metal stent has been used then your abuela has jaundice. How long ago was the stent placed? I am sure that once the stent starts to work as it should then your gran will start to feel a lot better once the bile starts flowing again. My dad also had a metal stent placed and he felt so much better once it started working.

    That is great to hear that you have a large family and support network, and this will certainly help. And we are all here for you as well. I know that you will have a ton of questions, so please feel free to ask them and we will do what we can to help in answering them. We can’t promise answers to everything, but we do know what you are going through right now and how you are feeling. Please keep coming back here and let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you and your Abuela,



    I think your abuela is very wise and very brave and now you need to be strong for her. We do have members here who chose not to do anything and they have proven the statistics wrong! Best of luck and please keep us posted.


    I just got off the phone with her and she has opted to put in a metal stint and avoid treatment. She is already diabetic and very weak. She is interested in alternative medicine but is leaning away from radiation and chemo at her age and health.



    Hello SG and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to find us. You must have a fabulous abuela, indeed! Deciding to chemo or not to chemo is a BIG personal decision. I guess a lot would depend on what her other physical problems are and what the prognosis is if she does/doesn’t do the chemo. You are doing the best thing by educating yourself as knowledge is the most powerful tool in fighting CC. Also use our search engine at the top of the page. Just type in a word and many posts will appear on that subject. Best of luck, we are here for you and please keep us posted.


    Hello all!
    My abuela just got her official bile duct cancer diagnosis yesterday! She is 81 and already has some health concerns. Just started my research and just started educating myself! She is in the process of learning and deciding if radiation and chemo is something she is interested in starting!

    I need help learning and always willing to accept advice!

    Im new to cancer, no one in my family has ever been diagnosed. Im learning what to ask and where to go! Thank God we have a large family and a huge support system!

    Feel free to help me out!!!!


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