Acute Trauma Coorelation w/CC onset??

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    True, true. I just spent four days with him. His mental confusion is getting worse, and he is getting so weak. I feel so lucky to help him through this, as I know all my family does, but it is so tough to see him deteriorate, so rapidly. His heart beats on so strong. My uncle is with him now. He loves him so. You guys are so kind to let me vent like this. I feel this is going to kill me too, if not physically, emotionally. Paula


    You are so right, Paula. It does not matter, we can’t go back and use the words should of, could of would of. This time is meant for precious Memories and that is what you will want to remember. Please keep us update we all really care.


    I did not say they were using Prednisone, except to control the fevers, until a solid diagnosis had been made (which took 2 years!!!). Perhaps, if he could have had a sooner diagnosis, we could have had stents, chemo, etc….but too late. It doesn’t matter now, my dad is dying, and there is not @%$&^ we cac do about it. I only know a lot of people are losing a great man!!


    No, no, no,…they gave him the prednisone to control the fever. He was misdiagnosed for 2 yrs., but as I’ve said before it’s too late. They simpy could not figure out what if was…he saw 10 doctors!!! Small town medicine. Who cares? He is declining rapidly, and none of that matters.


    Paula, I have never heard of Prednisone causing cancer nor have I ever heard of it for fever, only for inflammation. I have been on it now for 5 months (UGH ) and while it has awful side effects I don’t think it causes Cancer. BUT with that said I have been fighting ulcerated colitis and my new GI guy feels it may be Crone’s. Both colitis and crone’s can cause other stomach cancers or so I have just been told. Has your dad ever had stomach problems like that? Ask all the questions you want and we will do our best to answer. To the best of my memory I cannot recall anyone on this Board who got CC after a traumatic event.


    The fact that your dad was “old self”, active and busy doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have tumor growing inside him. CC tumors can grow without any symptoms until they are in advanced stages. My wife is a good example. She was very athletic before she became sick. She followed a tough, daily exercise routine until the very day her CC showed up.

    Sorry, I don’t know much about Prednisone. No, my wife never took it.


    Inflammation caused by what? My father was put on Predinisone for this fever. Prednisone is used for inflammation. Is Prednisone a factor in causing CC? Was your wife on prednisone? The only way to solve a mystery such as this aggressive cancer, is research and approaching and asking basic question to begin with, right?


    Yes Eli, possible, but unlikely, as he was “his old self”…active, busy, etc. before his fall/accident, so I instintively feel there is some cooralation between the accident and the onset of CC. He had blood transfusions and a cadaver bone grafted into his back, extreme trauma, which was a blow to his immune system. After the accident, and subsequent recovery is when his fever began…and it has been approximately 25 mo. since then, and he is in his final days. I guess it doesn’t really matter, although some reason for this would be helpful/useful for future studies and closure/understanding for the family. Thank you for the information. I wish you and your wife my heartfelt blessings, and prayers. My dad just didn’t have the fight in him, but your wife does, and Godspeed to her. My goal is to donate, and do, what I can do to make advances in diagnosing/treating this cancer, which involves collecting/analyzing data/information on victims of it. Honestly, like most of us on here, I had never heard of it until my dad’s diagnosis, so I am looking for answers. If many people agreed their CC had been proceeded by a traumatic event, that info could be given to researcher’s to use, just as pharmacuticals look for info to help with medication side effects, etc. Why not ask, right? If others do not report trauma, accident’s, etc., then I will not look/nor report any further, but I felt I must ask.


    Just want to confirm what Percy and Marion said. I read quite a few medical articles about CC risk factors. They never mentioned trauma of any kind as a possible risk factor.

    The established medical consensus seems to be that CC is a slow-growing cancer that develops in the presence of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation of the bile ducts can be caused by many different factors. Some known, some unknown. It is quite possible that your father had cancer before he broke his neck.


    Paula…yes, people do have what we call “tumor” fever with this cancer. Percy is saying that fevers of any kind do not lead to the disease of cholangiocarcinoma.
    Hugs and stay strong,


    Thank you for your feedback on the topic, but isn’t fever one of the symptoms of this cancer? Paula


    So little is known of this disease that anything is possible however; I can tell you with certainty that at this time there is no connection broken necks and the occurrence of Cholangiocarcinoma.


    Fever of unknown origins is not a risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma as far as I can understand about this CCA.
    God bless.


    My father broke his neck in Jan. 2010. Months after he fully recovered from that, he began to suffer from “Fevers of Unknown Origins”. After seeing 10 doctors, and feeling awful for 2 years, he was diagnosed with stage IV CC in Jan. 2012. Does anyone think there could be a connection?

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