Addition of Abraxane to Standard of Care May Prolong Survival for Advanced Bilia

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    Hi Mary,

    Thanks for the clarification on how things stand with you post surgery. And I too am very grateful that you are NED after these 42 months, fingers are crossed for you here for the next 42 months and more to continue with NED! Yes the amount and type of the abstracts that are coming out here each year at Asco and other conferences throughout the year is very encouraging and I do feel progress is being made. I see a lot more stuff in general, read about things and hear a lot more in general that is positive for progress and I believe as always that we will get there in the end!

    My best to you as always Mary and hope you are having a great weekend!



    Hi Gavin,

    Thank you for the link to the full set of abstracts.

    Just to clarify – I am not needing chemo at the moment (gratefully am still NED at 42 months from surgery) but in the event I need chemo in the future, it is reassuring to see reports of new and better options.  I do mention information from articles you have posted when I see my oncologist because he treats all types of cancer, and seems interested when I bring him news of new effective treatments for cholangiocarcinoma.

    Having so many medical article abstracts relevant to our community come out for the upcoming ASCO meeting shows how intensely focused the medical and scientific communities are on finding treatments for our rare cancer.

    Regards, Mary

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by bglass. Reason: Add comment

    Thanks for that Mary. And thanks as well for sharing what you did with the results of the abraxane and showing it to your onc. I hope that that will be an option for you and thanks loads for sharing it with everyone. I always say to people that if they see something in the material and studies that I link to here then to print it out and show it to your onc to see what they say. Just as you did!

    Yep, like me and most of us I guess we all find a lot of the medical literature tough to understand so people could just jump to the conclusions to get the highlights of the piece. Usually the conclusions are a lot easier to understand for us all.

    I think that there were 89 or so abstracts that came out last night from the upcoming ASCO annual meeting for this year and that seems to be more then last year. Actually, it seems to be increasing every year which I would say is a good thing. The more research we get the better!

    I put most of them on here like every year but some didn’t seem to be related to CC too much. And I like to put them on the site individually so that if people are searching for say XYZ then it will show up in the search forum function rather than just put a link up to the whole list of them in one go.

    But here is the link anyway to all of them if anyone wants to go through them all –

    There are a lot of them!  Most of the better CC ones are on the first 6 pages or so.

    Thanks Mary!



    Thanks to Gavin for posting the recent spate of articles related to cholangiocarcinoma.

    If you are like me, and find some of the medical-speak tough reading, I would still suggest taking a glance at this material.  Some of the drugs are in testing through clinical trials, which may be something patients are thinking about or will think about in the future.

    This report out on adding abraxane to the standard-of-care chemo (gemcitabine and cisplatin) is worth highlighting.  While the number of cholangiocarcinoma patients involved in the study is not large, the results are sufficiently promising to take note.  I showed these results to my oncologist because they had just come out at the time of my last appointment.  One comment he made was this chemo combination involves medications that are available now for cancer patients, as compared to other reports in the medical literature that discuss treatment options only accessible by enrolling in a trial.

    Regards, Mary


    Addition of Abraxane to Standard of Care May Prolong Survival for Advanced Biliary Cancers

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