Advice please?

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    Hya theonlyChris I am Alan’s mom teresa,.We too relied on the NHS. whereabouts are you in England. Please e. mail. me. We are in birmingham and yes they do treat you as if it is not your business, BUT IT IS. They do fob you of, however I now feel that it is because they do not actually have any answers to give. I also feel that whilst time is slipping by they are still trying to decide what to do. Have you tried speaking to the Prof. Lodge team in leeds. I am sorry I cannot answer any of your questions, but I am sure others on here will do so. love and light teresa xxxx


    Hello all,
    My Sister Gail was diagnosed approx 6 weeks ago after 2 attempts to remove her gall bladder. She had a resection 4 weeks ago where part of her liver, intestine and rest of her gall bladder were removed. The surgeon explained that some lesions remained which could not be removed. She has some spread to her Lymph nodes and fatty tissue. During the surgery she had a stent placed unsuccessfully – the bile leaked into her stomach and burst through her surgical scar, a drain was placed from this area to a bag. She underwent ERCP approx 2 and a half weeks ago where a metal stent was placed but the bile continued to flow from the catheter in her scar, albeit at a slower rate. She was told she would have to undergo ERCP again to see what was going on. This morning the bile slowed right down (from the drain). I asked a junior doctor yesterday if the bile that was not redirected to the bowel was causing damage to Gail as there seems an inordinate delay for ERCP and he said that Gails body had formed a fistula from the leak to the scar area and therefore the bile was contained to this.
    My Gail has no energy, she is sleeping most of the time and is very nauseous. We feel her recovery from the initial surgery is too slow ( we want her to recover and gain some strength and spirit back in preparation for the chemo. I have tried to get more information with regards to size and type of cancer but as we are in England it seems that medical staff are appalled at the idea of patients/carers arming themselves with knowledge – as if it’s not our business!!! They are fobbing us off with vague answers which is v. frustrating!
    Can anyone tell us if the nausea and sleeping are normal 4 weeks after surgery? Is it a result of the surgery or the cc? She is in very little pain at present, she only has paracetamol occassionally and is on no other meds except anti nausea jabs or tablets occassionally yet this remains a problem. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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