After 11 years………

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance After 11 years………

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    Dear Jena – So sorry for your sudden loss. This disease is so insidious. Everyone reacts so differently. THere are those who have lived several years, a few have recovered, some lose their fight after a few days. We are sorry you didn’t have long to prepare. The problem is that it’s such a roller coaster ride. I am so sorry for your loss and the grief takes time to process. Please visit here often and share your thoughts and feelings with us. Blessings, Susan


    Hi Jena,

    I am sorry that you too have lost a loved one to CC. You will be glad you found this site. I found it a few days after my husband passed never having heard of this disease until a few days before he died. That was a little over two years ago and I don’t know what I would have done or where I would be now with out this site and all the wonderful supportive people here. So I am glad you have found us. We all understand what it is like to have to deal with this disease and how devastating it is to lose some you love to it. We are all here to help, comfort and support each other. You are in good hands, so stick with us and come back as often as you want or need to.
    I’m sure others will be along shortly to welcome you, also.



    I am still missing my Mom. I just found this website today and am hoping for maybe a little peace and closure. She was diagnosed in early 1999. She went through the chemo, the radiation, the traveling to try to get help only to be turned down by her insurance and wind up right back home. She had to have 3 liters of water removed from her body at least once a week sometimes two. She was admitted to the hospital on a Friday in August because we thought her medicines were making her sick. The doctor came in on that Sunday and said that it wasn’t her medicine but that her liver was leaking toxins into her body and that was what was making her sick and it was time to contact Hospice. I, being young and not knowing, thought “great, she will have nurses coming everyday to check in on her and help her with whatever she needed.” I had no idea that Hospice, in my mind, is the last stop before someone dies. The doctor said that she had at least 6 months.

    We took Mom home, made her as comfortable as we could, and the family provide 24 hour “watch”. My Uncle, her brother, came in the mornings when I left for work and stayed with her until he had to leave for work. Then it was my Grandmother, her Mom, until I got home from work.

    That Wednesday after she came home from the hospital, she died. He said 6 months not 3 days. I was devistated!! She was my best friend and she was just……………..gone. I still have not really dealt with her death. I know she is dead but I guess I just don’t know how to deal with it.

    I hope and pray that anyone needing help can find it and not have to go through the not knowing like my family did.

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