Aftermath of portal vein embolization?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Aftermath of portal vein embolization?

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    Thank you! I apologize for not responding sooner. I had a successful resection on June 9 and am oh-so-slowly regaining my strength from that 8-hour procedure. Clean margins and no lymph node involvement! My hemoglobin is low, so I am going against character and actually napping now and then! This is definitely a long road to recovery but I am so thankful to have the surgery behind me!
    Thank you for your kind words and advice. I am grateful for this online community.


    I had a portal vein embolisation in Nov 2011 prior to a liver resection in Jan 2012. I too became tired and it just got worse until I had the resection. It was explained to me that a lot of the tiredness is due to the fact that the body uses up to 3,000 calories a day just growing the new part of the liver – no wonder I felt exhausted! I think it is important to maintain a good diet during this process – ensure you eat lots of green vegetables (spinach, broccoli) and red vegetables (fresh tomatoes and red peppers) and avoid alcoho. Are you going to have a liver resection? If so, the tiredness will continue for some after that, but it is worth it. My advice is, if you feel tired, lie down and sleep. Your body can concentrate on helping you more when you are asleep. If the operation is a success, it will all be worth it.
    Keep smiling and fighting


    I hope you get some energy back. I had already lost 2 hepatic arteries when they did the portal vein embolization… We thought I could finally have surgery! Well, they nicked my lung and gave me a pleural effusion instead, so my breathing and energy were nill.
    I will say that after the effusion was better, I didn’t notice any drop in energy.
    Although they downplayed the difficulty, it can be tricky. Give yourself some time… The body has to adjust to the changes in blood flow, along with the necrosis of part of your liver.
    If you are concerned, ask your onc. They are there for you, after all. Maybe his or her assistant can help if you can reach them.


    I had a right portal vein embolization two and a half weeks ago. I’m thrilled that the future remnant is growing robustly, but I am so tired! For those of you who have had this procedure, have you experienced this? At what point does it get better?

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