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    Hi Marie,

    Sorry life has brought you to this site, but glad you found us. The people here are so caring and nonjudgmental even though opinions are expressed freely.

    I was diagnosed with inoperable Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma (I first thought it was stage 3 and even wrote that in my introduction, but I was wrong – sometimes I like to live in denial) last July.

    Ask your oncologist what he/she would suggest if it was his/her father. I use to do that with doctors about my kids. I’ve actually told my oncologist that he was wishy washy about what I should do. The truth is, I’m wishy washy. I had FU5 chemo and radiation last fall. Chemo suggested in Feb and turned it down because I was just feeling too good. Changed my mind (even though I was still feeling great) and started chemo in May to stop after one treatment (ended in hospital for a stent blockage which I blamed on chemo – chemo does not turn your urine dark or make you jaundice.) Now, I’ve restarted chemo and have had two treatments of Cisplatin/Gemzar.

    For some of us it’s such a hard decision. If you are a person with faith in God, I would pray that He would lead you to treatments you should have and block treatments you shouldn’t. Only He knows the best plan for our lives. Sometimes I think I need a good knock in the head because I don’t think I have very good discernment :)



    Hello, Marie – a big welcome from me, too.



    Hi Marie,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you had to find us all here. I cant help you with your chemo question as my dad never had chemo, but I know that you will get a lot of replies on this subject. Glad to hear that the stent helped with the itching, my dad had that really badly and when he had the metal stent inserted that helped a lot.

    I hope that you keep coming back here as you will get a load of support from us all.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    Hello Marie and welcome to our wonderful family. Was just the Gall Bladder affected and removed? May I ask where your husband is being treated? All 3 of your choices are very common and to chemo or not is a personal decision. We have just learned how tough that one is but once made, no matter what the decision is, it is a relief. Even if your husband decides to take a break from chemo he will still be under the watchful eye of his Oncologist. As a suggestion you might want to read up on some of our old posts to familiarize yourself with CC and some of the posts may clear things up for you. Just go to the Search engine at the top of the page and type in a word. Wishing you good luck and now that you have joined us please visit often.


    My 63 yr old husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma on Feb 5th,after removing his gall bladder on Jan 11th, did not provide any relief from pain. Then the itching started. The stent they inserted into his common bile duct took care of that problem. His only treatment is Chemotherapy. The last CT scan shows no new Cancer growth for the 2nd time, so his Oncologist said once this round is complete he can decide;1. to continue full treatment, 2. (scary)to stop the Cisplatin, and continue with just the Gemzar, or 3. (Very Scary), stop treatment altogether and keep watching it. Any thoughts?

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