Alk Phos elevated to 193, what does this mean regarding the liver?

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    Hi Pam,

    That is a great site and I have bookmarked it. Many thanks indeed for posting the link to it.



    Hi clkempf,

    That is great news that your tumour markers are down. And the up and down days, well that is something that my dad went through a lot. One day he would be feeling good, good energy eating lots, then the next day he would be feeling very tired, low energy, would take a lot of naps and in general, he would say that he was having a bad day. I wish I knew the answer to this and what causes it, but I don’t, but please know that we are all here for you no matter if you are having a good or a bad day.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hi clkempf!

    Here is a really good site for all kinds of lab tests. It’s very user friendly and a reputable one we use at the hospital. Hope this is helpful!



    My tumors are shrinking after chemo and embolizations, and still my alk phos are rising. They (as all bloodwork) were just fine when my cancer was found and much bigger. I asked my doctor this monday, and he couldn


    If a doctor tells you about an elevated test, don’t be afraid to call and ask what it means. The doctor may have a case manager working with him who could explain changes. I know the most frustrating thing about CC is the roller coaster we all are on. Even though I am doing well as far as appetite, energy, etc., I still start winding up after I have my 3 month CAT scan until I get an explanation of changes (if there are any). I have found that many doctors will call patients after hours to explain something because they know how important that question may be to the patient. This was my area of work so I am familiar with what you go through. My prayers are with you and everyone on this site.


    Hi clkempf:

    I think there are a couple of things going on here. One, yay for the tumor markers! I’d be estatic over that, but that’s because mine always go down when treatment is working. Your miles may vary, but for me, that’s cool news.

    As for the rising alk phos level, when your doc gave you the numbers, did he/she not go over what they meant and if it was cause for alarm? Your doctor should clear all that up for you, and if you get labs that you are concerned with, don’t hesitate to have the onc clear them up before you leave the office – that feeling of just not knowing what is going on is awful.

    What I picked up on immediately was the end of your post, indicating your frustration with the “ups and downs” of this disease. I understand how you feel and wish there was an answer for you on that one. Because CC is tricky, and treats everyone and every treatment a bit differently, it’s so so hard to predict what will happen. Rejoice in the fact that you’ve made it so far past your prognosis. It’ll take a while to “get used” to the disease, and understand that there’s more than just beating or succombing to cancer. We’re living with cancer. It’s just a part of our life, and we deal with it. You’re not doing anything right or wrong. Have you a strong support system to help you through these times – or even a therapist or social worker that you can speak to? It’s good to get these feelings out!


    I got great news last week, tumor markers are down to 61 from 92 last month….so now my alk phos is up…what the heck???? What am I doing wrong…? I try to rest, eat well, and I walk a lot shopping and getting out ….. Can anyone clear this confusion up? I feel good, but tired today, but tomorrow I may have tons of energy. Have had lots of surgeries, tubes, ports, chemo, embolizations, sir spheres, etc. I was given 3-6 months 1.5 years ago. I am 54….fustrated with the ups and downs of this disease. If anyone could just tell me what is happening..and what to expect next….

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