Alomost a Year since diagnosis

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    Thanks Jeff. Will look further into whether we are able to receive this. My uncle his first chemo treatment on Friday – He felt quite sick on day but wasn’t so bad the following day. Thanks for your reply x


    AK, Three dimensional Intensified modulated radiation Treatment. Basically you are prescannned 3 dimensionally and actually have markers put on your body for entry point of radiation then the calculate how deep tumor is and and size. then actual radiation beam goes in small and widens only enough to cover tumor and this is done in different 3 dimensional angles to ensure most if not all of tumor is being zapped. The computer is programmed to go around your body to get the right angles and to ensure the least amount of direct exposure to the rest of your body. I hope I explained it clear enough. I have had good results twice know.
    Jeff G.


    Thanks for your advice ….quick question- can you tell me what 3D IMRT is …


    AK…. Sorry to hear of your Uncles increased pain. Hopefully the scans will show if there is any tumor pressure anywhere that could be taking care of by radiation. I have had good results with 3-D IMRT during the last couple years. I would ask if they can up is pain meds a little more. I take 30mg morphine every 8 hours and 4mg of Hydromorphone every 4 hours as needed for break through pain. I was up to 60 mg morphine and 10mg hydro before scans and radiation. I actually function quite well and do quite a bit. No longer heavy work stuff but functionable. I go for scan on Monday and expect results to show compression as I’m getting alot of referred pain. So I may be headed back to radiation table again. Both lungs has mets and I think that is what is causing pain at the moment. I would echo Kris on finding what he enjoys the most and plan short outings somewhere. Just getting out and driving around does me good. I actually look forward to going to the barber shop and shooting the breeze. I find going out to favorite restaraunts helps me eat a little better even if a couple times a month. Even on vacation we would plan half day or few hours of outing e3ither in morning or evening. I’ve learned to accept my limits I guess you could say. Eggshell crate foam matteress cover helps me with rest and sleep. WalMart carries them. Hot cups of tea green or any flavor. Homade loaded pizzas I find tasty ,nutritional, and tolerable with low fat cheese. Well, got to run making waffles for dinner the grand kids love them.
    Wish your uncle the best with ihis scan.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Thanks Kris- We’ll look into the radiation therapy. As for sitting around – he’s doing plenty of that and the pain drugs seem to be kicking in a little so that is helping. Friends come to visit quite regularly which is great when he’s up to it.


    Some people have had good results with radiation, so you might want to ask his doctor about it.
    I have no suggestions on the quality of life. Personally, I think that the quality of life is some point on a graph where pain, depression, and abilities meet with love for family, fun, and enjoyment of life and the people around you. So from my perspective, letting your uncle know you love him, and have friends and family spend good time doing things he finds enjoyable (even if that is just sitting around drinking coffee watching golf on tv) will increase his quality of life as much as drugs, treatments, and helpful medical hints.

    Take care and best of luck managing his pain.



    WEll.. It’ll be a year on 4th June when we were told that my uncle has CC and 3 to 6 months to live. That was a week after his third child was born! What a year! Well I’m happy to say that my uncle is still here with us but it has been a really hard road. Unfortunately his latest scans are showing mets in the lung and unfortunately the lymph node are effected and there maybe growth on his vertebrae -he’ll be having a one scan in a couple of weeks to confirm. For the past three months his pain has slowly but sure been increasing to the extent that at present it is quite unbearable for him. He’s recently been put on Morphine 10mg and Ibuprofen 600mg but it has had little effect. Tee other added complication in his condition is that he now has collangitis. I’m really concerned about this as his pain is starting to focus in this area and again it is really very intense. After reading about it I

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