Alternative or herbal remedies

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Alternative or herbal remedies

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    Dear Kaklon, I believe this has been brought up before, but not sure. We have a search button at the top of the page and just enter the name or word of what you are looking for and posts will appear on that subject. Alternative remedies are brought up all the time but we have yet to see any proof that they actually help in CC. If you want to ever try anything please make sure you ask your ONC first as you may try something that could work against what ever your treatment is. Relatives and friends want to help but they have no idea what CC is about. When Teddy first got sick I told family and friends that we appreciated their advise but we are only taking advise from our ONC. Sure saved me a lot of research and questions and they all seemed to understand.


    Has anyone heard/read/researched anything about the chaga mushroom which purportedly has strong anti-cancer medicinal properties and can be used along with traditional cancer therapies (surgery, chemo & radiation)? When I receive helpful tips from friends or relatives, I want to know what the CC community knows about it already.


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