Hello there, my name is Ashlea. I just came across this site a couple of days ago. My father (50 years) was just recently diagnosed with liver cancer. They tried to operate, do a resection and remove the 10 cm tumor, but when they opened up, the cancer had “exploded.” They said he had 2 to 12 months to live. This was in October. But just a couple weeks ago I went to a doc’s appt. with him and the doc said so you’re the one with gall bladder cancer. Well, after questioning him about it, even though I realize the close proximity of the gall bladder, bile duct in he liver, we were informed it is a cancer that originates in the bile duct of the liver. But that was the first we had heard of this CC. We were told Adenocarcinom for the longest time. So I wanted to look into it and I came across this website. I have felt a lot of comfort knowing I’m not alone. I am pretty scared and my nature mostly is this curiosity to know 2 months or 12? But I still have so many questions about his case, I just feel the doctors are so unclear. Any guidance would be really appreciated! He was feeling a lot of abdominal pain a couple weeks ago, but now it has disappeared. Which is wonderful! I hear of cases where the person doesn’t feel much pain at all and this is our prayer for him! He has suffered already so much. But, I was reading a post that said the absence of pain can almost be more dangerous. He is quite tired, but I find he is eating enough, wakes up soaked in sweat, and feels some nausea. The doctor said things wouldn’t get much worse than they are now. I just cannot comprehend how someone can be up walking and fine one day and gone the next. It’s just not fair I guess, he is so young.