Amazing and unexpected results from Chemo!! CIS/GEM

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    Congratulations to your father!!! That is great news. I am happy for the both of you. Thanks for sharing the positive results, please keep us posted and I will be thinking and praying for you both!!


    What brilliant news and results for your dad, well chuffed for you both!!! My fingers are crossed for the good news to keep on rolling for your dad and please make sure to keep us updated on everything. Excellent!!

    My best to you and your dad,



    Ahotti……incredible response. I too am overwhelmed with hearing the great news. Congratulations and may all great things continue.


    I am so happy for you! Those are amazing results.

    One thing we did learn was that when quoted the months on average that chemo gives you, it truly is an average. For those who are fortunate and respond well, now they have time or other options to try radiation or other treatments. Others have gone onto clinical trials or even became surgical candidates. And our first gem/cis was horrible. Almost gave in then but spoke to onc and they treated the side effects. Please do not think chemo can only give you two or three months.

    SIDE effects of chemo and radiation were hard for 4 months, but mom has now had almost 6 months since last treatment that we have spent having quality time and a few vacations too. At this point she feels normal 10 months after diagnosis. And from what I’m witnessing here from other members, I am confident that her original estimated timeline is no where near what we can hope for.

    For us, emend and steroids were the wonder drugs ( not the anti nausea meds) that made chemo tolerable. If your Dad goes through more chemo, I would ask your doctor to see how the side effects can be helped. Many others seem to have had the emend and steroids help too.

    Take care,


    Oh my Gosh!!!!!! How absolutely fantastic and incredible news. Thank you for sharing this with us . It’s going to give people hope…..and maybe inspiration to go ahead and try something for treatment even if they’ve been told their time is short…as your dad was. Go give him a big hug from all of us here…..and as Lainy said, “Enjoy life together.”

    Hugs from Iowa Girl
    Julie T.


    Dear AHottie this is fantabulous news! Oh my goodness what great results! I am right over that moon with you. Thank you for letting us know and just ENJOY life together. YIPPEE!


    My Dad was diagnosed with progressed CC Nov 8 2013, he wasn’t expected to make it to his birthday on Jan 18, 2014. He decided to try the palliative chemo (CIS/GEM) in early Dec, his treatment plan was to end in July 2014. My Dad decided to stop the chemo in April 2014 due to the horrible side effects, I couldn’t blame him as I watched him suffer everyday. In Dec my dad’s CA19-9 was 8400, by April it was down to 53…. 53!!!!!!!!! <35 is normal!!!!! It took about a month to feel "normal" again after the chemo, he's not 100% but feeling more normal then he did over the last 2-ish years. My dad has been weaned off his morphine (from 21mg x2 daily to 6mg x2 daily now) and isn't even taking his anti-nausea medication any longer.

    Last week we went to see his regular DR for his monthly follow-up and we decided a CT scan should be ordered as well as his CA19-9…. we got his CT results last night…. tumor has shrank over 50% and the noticeable lymph nodes no longer exist!!!!!!! We wont have the CA19-9 back until next week but his family DR and Oncologist are SHOCKED!!!!!!! of course we are over the moon too!!

    I just thought I’d share our good news and success with the CIS/GEM combo.

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