An appointment at last….

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    Hi Jemima,

    I hope all goes well for your mum tomorrow and that you get some answers as to what the plan from here is. I know what you mean about it being hard to take all of this information in especially during what is a very emotional time. But you are doing everything that you possibly can for your mum right now. Has your mum been offered the services of a Macmillan nurse? My dad had one and she did a lot for him and was great at liasing between my dad and various doctors, specialists etc. Perhaps this is something that could be of use to your mum.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,




    I sent you an email with some of the questions I put together to ask my Mom’s oncologist after her initial diagnosis.

    Hope it helps!



    Good luck tomrrow. Hopefully you will get some answers as to how to proceed and things will start to move forward.


    You are right Janet, the stent was the most important as it has restored Mum back to feeling like she is OK. I don’t know what things are like in Australia but we have had to wait weeks just to get appointments let alone having any decisions made !
    I am hoping that once we have gone through tomorrow that whatever the outcome things will start moving a bit more quickly….


    Jemima,the stent is the most important treatment to get happening quickly.After that it is not so clear and needs careful investigation and planning to work out the best way forward Janet


    Thank you for your reply Marion. As I am sure other people find it is just difficult to take so much information on board, as well as dealing with the emotional side of things.
    There doesn’t seem to be the link you mentioned ?
    Thanks again.


    Jemima….Nice to hear from you again. A Klatskin tumor occurs where the right and left hepatic bile ducts meet. You might want to ask the physician as to whether this is where your Mom’s tumor is located. I am also enclosing a link which might be helpful to you when meeting with the doctor. Of course, others may have more information coming your way.
    Jemima.. I can’t think of anyone prepared to suddenly deal with an illness such as this one. We all do our best and I am sure that you will too.
    Please, continue to put out your questions. The members on this site always are helpful and supportive. That is what we are here for.
    Good luck and please, stay in touch.
    Best wishes,


    I introduced myself a couple of weeks ago (I think) as things weren’t happening very quickly for my Mum but finally she has an appointment at the liver unit in Basingstoke ! We are going there this Wednesday and hope to have a positive reaction from them regarding surgery.
    My Mum is 76 and her specialist here at home seems to think that surgery is not really an option due to her age, and possibly location of the tumour as it is inside the left bile duct, and may also have come across into the right. Does that make it a Klatskins tumour ?
    They are doing a new MRI scan when she gets there as their machine is much better than our little local one. It’s been two months since she had her stent put in and seems to be doing well although she does get tired very quickly.
    I am sure there are masses of questions that I should be asking the consultant when we get there but I haven’t written them down yet. I will do a search on here I think as well as I am not sure that I am thinking of the right things to ask.
    My brothers both live abroad so I am helping Mum but I have never had to deal with anything like this before.
    It’s now over three months since she first got jaundice and apart from the stent we don’t seem to be any further forward….

    Sorry, I haven’t really contributed anything but thanks for reading.


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