An Update on Dawn

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! An Update on Dawn

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    I have been considering a blog. Sort of waiting to see where we are at with this lateset developement then give it some additional thought. This last year has been a blessing with Dawn having few problems. If it looks as though Dawn will be in for a number of treatments I would like ot keep her siblings who live in CA informed.

    Thanks for the suggestion Mary Anne.



    Sorry to hear Dawn is having troubles again. Maybe you would want to add a blog so we can keepup with her progress. My husband Joe was diagnosed with cc in July of this year and our blog is under Coburn. I read these blogs several times a week to keep up with the families and know what to pray for. It hleps to hear what other people are doing and what is working. Take care Mary anne



    Thanks for the update on Dawn. I think your change in direction is a good one. You want them all looking at the same things together and discussing Dawn’s treatment – with all of the possibilities laid on the table.

    Please keep us updated as you go.



    I have not posted an update on Dawn for quite some time, and since the introduction section was not a specific area of the site when Stacie and Rick first started the web site, I

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