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    Susie…..This trip is important. If I needed to feel better and a transfusion would help me get there – then that is what I would do.
    Hugs and love,



    Have a great time, be careful, and rest when you need to. Geez, I don’t sound like a Mom , do I? You don’t need to ask for prayers from me because I pray for you and everyone on this site every day! I will throw in a couple extra ones for you though. Take care and enjoy life!!

    Love, -Pam


    Susie, If you feel OK I say GO! BTW there are some very good Docs in San Diego who treat CC. Many prayers coming your way!


    Today was my “last” chemo session. I finished the adjuvant gemzar/cisplatin cocktail today and then I get a ct on the 27th to see what’s going on in there. I really hope it is my last treatment, but my last ct scan was funky of unknown orgin, so I’m not getting my hopes up. My hemoglobin and hematocrit are scary low. 7 and 24. My oncologist did not recommend a blood transfusion at this time, said they usually transfuse around a hematocrit of 22 and this is my last treatment and I should rebuild on my own. I have been out of the hospital setting for a while now, and I know things change, but we used to transfuse for a hemoglobin of < 8. It's not that I don't trust my oncologist, but am a little concerned. I have a vacation to San Diego planned next week and I would rather not pass out down there or have to take a trip to the ER. My oncologist said I was ok to travel but to take it easy and stay hydrated. I am a little symptomatic, I'm tired, my blood pressure is lower than it normally is, like 90 systolic, I'm usually around 100 and my heart rate is a little higher too.
    Would you very knowledgeable people travel in my situation? It’s not like I would be thrilled to get blood, I’d rather avoid it if I could, but still, it is scary.
    By the way, prayers are gratefully accepted if you feel like saying some for the upcoming CT. :)

    Best wishes to all and to all a good weekend!!


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