Anomalous pancreaticobiliary junction – without cyst

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    sunshine….I don’t believe that there are any conclusive answers to be found however; the links below give a bit of an overview.

    You may never have to deal with this cancer or gall bladder cancer, which occurs four times as often as Cholangiocarcinoma however; based on the various health issues you are dealing with, applying for Disability is something I would consider.



    I developed pancreatitis last year from my first ERCP I had. Am a bit scared to go through that again plus my husband is retiring soon and I have no idea about insurance for myself yet. Those procedures are so costly. I also have fibromyalgia, PTSD and IBS so working has become just impossible. Thinking about applying for disability.

    Does anyone know what percentage of risk the anomalous pancreaticobiliary junction (without cyst) adds for biliary cancer? I also have IBD which I’ve learned is another risk factor but would also like to know a percentage there if possible.

    Thanks to you all!


    sunshine….unfortunately, at this point, there are no early detection methods in place for this cancer. Already you are vigilant, but I also wonder whether a yearly ERCP would be advantageous? You might want to discuss this with the physician.
    Early detection is something the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is watching carefully and is eager to support. We will make sure to post anything and everything pertaining to this issue. Please stay in touch and read up on new developments.
    All my best wishes and hugs


    Thank you so much! I logged onto the Oncology Nurse Advisor and read today’s article. It’s very encouraging to know that a urine test for this cancer may be coming along soon. : )


    I think due to the fact that your sister had CCA and passed away on July 27, and you have diagnosed with APBJ, I truly understand your concern. If I were you, I will ask your GI doctor about how frequent you should have EUS(endoscopic ultrasound) done ,(ie:every year ? Along with CA19-9 may be every 6 month or so?); I am just a patient and not a doctor.
    Below is a link that may be of interest to you in the near future.

    God bless.


    Through ERCP last year, I was diagnosed with this abnormality (APBJ)and learned that my risk for biliary cancer is high. My gallbladder was removed last year as well (but not biopsied). This year my doctor did an endoscopic ultrasound to check for tumors in the bile ducts and found none. I’m wondering, what test can be done, if any, to screen for bile duct cancer in Tis or Stage 0?

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