Another biopsy that didn’t happen…

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    Stacie….I have not seen this type of compliaction on this board, post whipple. I am crossing my fingers for scar tissue to be the reason for the current problem. Good luck next week on your appointment.
    Best wishes,


    Thanks Lainy! We are at Barnes (In St. Louis) and I do have a second opinion with another onc. next week. We, too, have just had every complication after the Whipple, but it has bought us time, which my dad would have had, maybe, a few weeks without it. I am grateful. In addition to the Whipple, my dad had 80% of his colon removed last year, so his innards are probably one in a billion!

    Hope things are going well today for Teddy.



    Oh, Stacey, wow, I don’t know what to tell you. Teddy had different complications from his Whipple, all had to do with healing. All I can do is remind you that we believe heartily in second opinions. I couldn’t begin to even guess on this one. So sorry but I forgot where Dad is being treated. The only thing I can say is that after a Whipple I know that the innerds are all upside down and turned around. Mu humble advise is to call the ONC and ask what is exactly going on and what do they plan to do about it. Stay strong, Stacey.


    About six weeks ago, an IR, well three, tried to do a FNB on a mass in my dad’s left lobe.

    She could not get to it and my dad then got MRSA and two blood infections, so we just had to delay it. Now, the mass has doubled in size, so they tried today, but his bowel is in the way. The surgeon is really against opening him up to biospy it, but the bowel is stuck (after multiple surgeries and removal of 80% of his colon and his gall bladder and 40% of his pancreas).

    They also were going to insert a metal “marker” in hopes of using it for high dose radiation. No go on that too.

    Has anyone else had this complication? In hopes of having had the results of the biopsy next week, we had two oncology appointments and a radiation oncologist appointment next week. Now, we just have no idea where we are going from here.

    Has anyone else been down this road? I am so completely frustrated, as we are almost nine months post-Whipple and have yet to start chemo and/or radiation.



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