Another complication….never saw this one coming.

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  • #38507

    Hi Beth,

    Sorry to hear about Daves trouble with his aneuryism and the ulcer and I hope his dcotors manage to treat this as soon as they can. And I am very happy indeed to hear that the last scan results show Dave is cancer free.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Hope Dave feels better soon. The treatment for the ulcer might be 8 weeks, but from my experience, he will start feeling better in much less time than that.

    So glad he is still cancer free.



    Beth…you can count on good thoughts coming your way. Rarely have we seen an aneurysm reported on this site. I am glad that everything worked out well. We have quite a few discussion regarding ulcers though. Surely, we can never really let our guards down when dealing with this disease.
    I am hoping for a quick recovery coming Dave’s way.


    Oh my goodness! Who would have thunk it! But the good news is Dave is still cancer free and on the road to better health once again. Hope this little hitch gets over with quickly.


    Hey there, I wanted to let you all know that Dave had been back in the hospital since Monday, and just came home today. He ended up getting an aneurysm in the area where his liver was resected last year. The aneurysm also caused an ulcer to form. Dave was vomiting blood Sunday night, and had bloody stools. He had a procedure where they inserted two wires into his groin area, and they cauterized the aneurysm. The ulcer is going to be treated with high doses of antiacids for the next 8 weeks. He is home, and resting. He is doing good. He had a CT scan this week, and is still CANCER free. Keep us in your thoughts! Hugs!

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