Another hospitalization

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    Well round #2 of chemo last Friday, gemcitabine and oxaliplatin for my husband. Only a week late due to the hospitalization for the last bout of Klebsiella sepsis. He did pretty well with it, only really having trouble with the cold sensitivity but by Monday we were back in the same boat, temp up to 102 with chills so sent back to Seattle for admission through the ER. They think it the Klebsiella sepsis again although this time the blood cultures got screwed up and were not drawn until after he had antibiotic. I guess the first draws were contaminated. So now he’s getting the chemo port taken out to eliminate it is a source of infection. No one including me seems to think it’s the source but they need to eliminate it. The good news is that the oncologist has already said we are staying on schedule now no matter what. He is worried that if we don’t then it gives the cancer too much chance to win.
    I didn’t get to be with him this hospitalization though. I was getting my own stay in the hospital (and not the same one). I went in Saturday for chest pain. My husband said he knew it was bad when I wanted to go it. I got the full cardiac workup including cardiac catheterization (angiogram) yesterday. Cardiologist says it’s all negative. He also told me I need to eliminate stress in my life. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry at that….how the hell am I supposed to do that? The only good news is…I have a heart and its working fine. Then the only way they would DC me from the hospital is if I PROMISED I would say home and not run to Seattle immediately. I can’t go up until they get ready to DC him.
    I feel so damn guilty sitting here at home while he is in the hospital. Although the docs are great letting Mark do all the consults on speaker phone so I can hear and ask questions.
    And lastly my son will have his radioactive iodine treatment next week and will be done…get to ship him off to college so maybe that will be a little stress eliminated.

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