Another new member of the club no one wants to join

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Another new member of the club no one wants to join

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  • #31314

    Hello Val. I am glad that you have found us. In fact, we have several other great members from your home country which, I assume, will chime in also. I don’t have much experience with wound infections however, until others have a chance to respond to you, it might help to read up on previous posts by using the search function, on top of the page. Simply, enter the words “wound infection” and several previous postings will appear. I would assume that a culture has been taken in order to determine the specific bacteria causing the problems you are encountering. Also, I recall our Kris commenting on her being allergic to the dressing of the wound. Something else you might want to investigate. Other suggestions coming to mind are trying to stay active and focusing on good nutrition to build up your immune system. But, I am sure for others to share their own experience of this annoying infection.
    Best wishes,


    Hi there!

    My name is Val , I’m 49 years old & I live in the UK (Cornwall).
    I had a bile duct resection in May for CC (T2). This wasn’t confirmed until the histology after the operation so I’ve only known for sure a relatively short time.
    I think I’m doing ok, my surgeon says the operation was a success & ‘hopes it’s a cure’. Well, we all hope that, eh?

    My main problem has been recurrent post operative infection (not MRSA) in the surgical wound which has meant the wound has still not completely healed, I’m still having it packed three times a week which is a pain in the gut/butt – delete as appropriate! It is getting there, just at its own speed, which is SLOWwwww….. I don’t think the 9 courses of antibiotics over the course of my illness has helped my immune system – any suggestions?

    It’s good to know that there are others out there in the same boat – or at least travelling along the same river/stream!

    Regards, Val

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