Another prayer request

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    It hasn’t even been two weeks since she passed on & you have every reason to cry & feel as you do. My husband has been gone for over 5 months and it hurts just us much as it did the day he passed on. Everyone keeps telling me that the first year is the hardest and that it will get better with time. I don’t think it will ever get better either. I think we just have to learn to live with the pain & emptiness we feel inside and try to go on one day at a time. I don’t think we can ever forget what we have lost. I am hoping that in time I will be able to take comfort in all of the good memories of our life together. Hopefully you will be able to do that too.

    Love & Hugs,



    my sister has been gone for 13 days and i am crying harder today than i did the day she passed. i don’t think i will ever get better. i don’t care what anyone says.

    Shirley’s sister Teresa


    I know what you mean about feeling selfish. I think my mom is handleing all of this emotionally better than I am. I know that everyday she is here and feeling good is a huge blessing, but sometimes it’s hard to keep positive thoughts. You always think you’re a big grown up girl untill your MOMMY gets sick! I’m a grown woman with kids of my own, but I guess there is always that little girl inside that just wants her momma. She’s always been so strong, it just never occured to me that one day she might not be here, especially not this soon. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom.


    Amy….Although, your Mom did not show shrinkage there is always some good in the fact that nothing new has shown up. I am hoping for you to receive better news after the next scan.
    Hugs coming your way,



    It is completely normal to feel what you are feeling even though you are not the patient. This cancer is like a trial by fire for everyone affected by it. It sounds like the oncologist is not a defeatist so that is good. Prayers are coming your way.




    Went to the dr yesterday. Mom will start Oxaliplatin next week and also Xeloda, which she can do at home. She will then go in for Oxaliplatin every 3 weeks for 9 weeks. The dr said that the tumors didn’t grow, but they also didn’t shrink before, so please keep your fingers crossed. Today has been really hard for me, I feel sort of defeated. I feel selfish saying that, since I am not even the patient, I am just so sad. I am just so worried. I have to get a handle on this and be strong for Mom. Surgery is pretty much out of the option, since there are three different spots. They would have to break her breastbone to get to one of the lymph nodes, so Mom was totally against that idea. The dr also didn’t feel liky Cyber Knife would be beneficial since the lymph nodes are in different spots, so that meant that there are probably other spots which aren’t showing up yet. She said that chemo is the best route. She was positive about things though, saying that she treats cancer as a chronic illness, like any other illness that you have to treat with medication. I am trying to keep my spirits up.

    Thanks for reading. Big hugs to everyone!


    Sorry to hear about the extra chemo but great that you still have the options.
    Prayers still flying toward your mom!


    Hi everyone,

    The dr. called yesterday and wants to start another round of chemo. She said that the spots had not shrunk any :(. She said that they are so small that they are hard to measure, but she believes that they are the same size. The dr. doesn’t seem at all suprised by having to do more chemo, but we are disappointed. Of course we wanted her to say that they disappeared! Mom has been feeling so good since being off of chemo, so I guess at least she will be feeling good when she gets started again. Thank you for all of your prayers, and please keep them coming ;).

    Love, Amy


    Dear Amylea,

    Heartfelt prayers for your mom are being sent your way. I am also praying for you Amylea. I think all of us pray each night for “our people” on this site. Looking forward to hearing good news.




    I will be thinking about and praying for your mom. Please let us know the results as soon as you can. She is in my thoughts everyday.

    Take care,


    Amy….looking forward to receiving the news we are all wishing for.


    I will be saying a prayer tonight for your Mom. I hope the test goes well for her.



    Hi everyone,

    Robyn, I am sending lots of prayers for your mom. I hope you get wonderful news!

    Also, I was hoping that everyone would pray for my mom. We are going tomorrow for a PET and CT scan. She had 4 rounds of gemzar and oxaliplatin. They will then decide whether to do more chemo or surgery.


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