Anticancer activities against cholangiocarcinoma, toxicity and pharmac

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    Yes I remember doing that search for you before and if you want me to pull it up for you again just say so and I will. I never knew that you ordered some of these herbs, I thought you said that you weren’t going to. Anyway, I hope that they will help and please let us know how you get on with them. A single person trial indeed! Good luck with this Percy.

    Take care,



    I actually look at this article about an hour ago; and I will research on the three individual herbs.
    As you may remember, I once asked you to get some info on some other plants,
    I did order a few (7) of those in power form and I will use them on myself to see what happen in “the one man clinical trial of myself”using herbs and I will report the findings. I have the advantage of knowing the herbs both as part of my culture and my education in college; also I have the good fortune to know the head of the Chinese Hongkong University who chaired the Tradition Chinese Herbal dept. So let see what will happen.
    Again,thanks for your info.
    God bless.


    Anticancer activities against cholangiocarcinoma, toxicity and pharmacological activities of Thai medicinal plants in animal models

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