Anxiety!!!! Help!!!

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    Yes heather lets keep in touch for sure! My personal email is: if you need to contact me :)


    No problem…I thought that was probably what happened!!

    I am honestly feeling better thank you! It is a day to day thing.

    Dorien I want to keep in touch with you.



    Heather sorry about that one. I have been going back and forth with 2 of you gals and I had a senior moment here. So sorry.




    Brother?? I don’t have a brother up there…but do have friends in Sierra Vista!!


    Heather, you are a quick learner, lil Grasshopper! After our few emails I can tell you are already getting stronger. I guess a lot of it is just learning how to handle everything that has been dumped on your plate. You will be fine and yes, let people help even in small ways. And you will see that the stronger you get so will Gordon. I LOVE Mamma Mia and keep that one CD in my car. Love the Music. Last year went to a Casino here with my daughter and
    saw a group who impersonates Abba and they were fabulous. We didn’t sit still for 1 second.
    Oh, where is your Brother here? I am in Gilbert.


    Thank yall so much!!

    I was having a meltdown, we got out went to church this morning and everyone is so supportive, i need to depend on them more, they want to help.

    Dorien my husband is 45. And I am going to start walking more it is just hot down here in TX but i do know i need to stay busy i just wished I was one of those people that liked to clean when I was upset or worried or whatever!! LOL

    And Honestly I think I felt better just typing that last night!!

    I really appreciate the forum :) And Gordon is doing better today then yesterday, I think he over did it last week at work.

    Dorien you guys will be in my prayers, thank you oh and Chocolate is MY BEST FRIEND AT TIMES!!

    Oh and Lainy I LOVE MAMA MIA!!! IM GOING TO GET THE CD i have the movie!!!



    i am a caregiver as well (44 yr old husband–stage 4 with mets to lymph
    and lungs–he will never be a surgical candidate)

    and I HEAR YOU!!! it is SO stressful to be the caregiver/worrier/hoper of
    good things.

    NO ONE else, but someone standing in our shoes, “gets it”.

    I dont have any GREAT advice but here is what i find helps (somedays)
    keep me sane.

    *talking to a good friend who WILL LISTEN (not talk just listen and let me vent)

    * exercise

    *doing something “fun” with Kyle (my hubby)

    * doing something fun with my family

    *being with a group of friends (dinner or BBQ or whatnot)

    and lastly when all else fails?

    going out back, taking a deep breath and SCREAMING!


    oh, and something chocolate!

    seriously…those are the things that help me forget for 5 seconds
    at a time!

    best wishes…it’s hard. both as the patient AND the caregiver!
    sending a hug from Utah~


    Heather, I am not a Medical person but it seems to me that you have been on the roller coaster non stop and I think you are having a meltdown which is normal. First of all these infections zap everything especially one’s energy. It takes a long time for the “yellow” to leave. Think of it as his skin was tinted. When the DOC told us Teddy was jaundiced I said, “you know I don’t like you in yellow.” What I would tell you is to call your GP, explain what is happening and ask him for something to just take the edge off. You are not going to be much good to anyone especially yourself if you let this get out of hand when there is some help for you. We must be strong as I feel it makes the patient feels worse when the spouse is showing how upset she/he is. Teddy used to tell me that if I didn’t stay strong he would worry about me more and I know worry is not good as it zaps Gordon’s much needed energy. Feel free to email me privately if you need to get it out. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    I want to know how other caregivers/spouses have dealt with waiting, hoping, praying surgery is going first happen and then be successful. I am a nervous wreck! I am having so much trouble just getting things accomplished on a daily basis!! I cant be like this!

    Just to remind everyone my husband, Gordon was diagnosed with cc in Nov 2012.

    Hopital stay was Nov 27th to Dec 11th
    We didn’t have insurance so the surgeon sent him to the hospital immediatly because she knew the diagnsosis would be done and he would get the care he needed….his belirubin was 41 and itching really bad. He also ended up with a blood infection as well. That is why he was there so long. Two ERCP’s were done the 2nd was a success.

    We saw the oncologist the middle of Dec and a PET scan was done. The cancer was localized to the liver 8 1/2 cm tumor and one lymph node.

    Chemo started Jan 2nd gim/cis for 3 months. He handled it really well but the dang stent was causing alot of problems.

    Gordon has had the stent replaced 5 times to date.

    In April we had our first visit with MD Anderson with Dr Javle. We were told at this time surgery was not an option. Wanted to do more chemo since his tumor was stable (it shrunk a tiny bit) So at this time they put him on Xylota and gemzar. Did well other than like I said stent infections.

    So he finished three rounds of chemo went back to MDA at the end of June and we were told YES he can have surgery. Liver resection, the tumor is on the right side so they will remove half his liver and vein something something :) (I cant remember what its called)

    So when he was at MD Anderson they replaced his stents to avoid any infections and what happens he ends up with an infection with the one they replaced and in the ER at MD Anderson on June25th, so i was at the hospital on my bday ;) the 26th. But honestly I wouldnt havae been anywhere else!! We went home and he ended up even sicker the enfection came back and he was hospitalized for 8 days. Now he has been home for 10 days. And he is really really fatigued. Eyes are a little yellow but no other symptoms so it may just still be getting out of his system. But I am praying nothing is wrong :/

    Surgery is set for August 20th, we will go up there on the 13 and 14th for more scans and visit with the surgeon.

    So here is Gordons entire story, sorry so lengthy…I just want to know how in the world to you caregiver get through this…and I seem like I am being so selfish even asking about myself. We have a 21 year old an 18 year old and our little red head 6 year old that i need alot of energy for!!

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