any answers to this question?

Discussion Board Forums Insurance any answers to this question?

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    Also, if you dad wants his way of treatment, taking ginger or other supplements and at this point feels good himself, just make sure you and your siblings spend more time with him,enjoy each other to the fullest. I think in that way you will have no regret when the time has come. Chemotherapy is both a drug and a toxic substance , once you dad are on it, he will be affected by the side effects. So enjoy the good time with you dad as much as possible now. I am a patient and I have three daughters and a son, I know well enough of their emotions.
    God bless.


    If your dad had worked in the States and accumulated enough credits,I will go to the social security office nearest to you, ask specific for the personnel who in charge of ” disability benefits”;with the doctor ‘s diagnosis of ” cholangiocarcinoma “,apply for disability benefits. I believe in doing so, the benefit, if qualify, will come . It may be a good idea to explore whether you dad will be qualified for Medicaid programs also if he had not working for a while,but he must met a limit of income levels.
    The most important benefit of being qualified for such disability benefit is that the patient only needs to wait 18 months from the date of approval to be eligible for Medicare if you are under the age of 65.( ie: if you are 57 on 12/1/2012 you will be qualify for Medicare on 7/1/2014 ).
    God bless.


    Kristin, I don’t have any answers but I will start praying. I am so sorry your family is going through this.


    Newly diagnosed, My dad doesnt have health coverage and has been in the process of trying to get it. He has applied for it but received a call today saying that it will take about 45 days for them to let him know if he qualifies, or not. My dad is stage 4, inoperable and was given a very poor prognosis. When I asked the doctor when someone like him would typically start chemo, he said now.

    He has not started chemo…but is in the process of making the decision whether he wants to or not, he is leaning towards.

    The insurance company said that because he is not over 65, under a certain age, or disabled, that he would have to wait. 45 days seems to long to wait when given a prognosis such as he’s been given.

    Does anyone know of anything i can do to hurry this up? If he wants to start chemo I want him to be able to.

    Thank you,


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