any info on intraperitoneal chemo for metastic cc w surgery

Discussion Board Forums New Developments any info on intraperitoneal chemo for metastic cc w surgery

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    Found this interesting article about heat treatment.

    Heat helps in cancer treatment.

    All the best.



    Marrion, Gavin , Thanks for the welcome and interest. We are going on 5 yrs and are grateful and weary at the same time. As you guys know the few chemo drugs that may work only do for a short time. Peritoneal implants are growing and she is beaten down and at this point is saying no to treatment . However knowing her and the fact that we have a 13 yr old girl at home I won’t be surprised if after a short time she doesn’t go back on something . well thanks for the info and I will continue to post as I learn more . BB


    Hi Rob,

    I can’t help you with your specific questions I’m afraid, but I hope that perhaps someone else can. I would like to join Marion in welcoming you here and I hope that you will come back often as you will get a load of support and help from us all.

    My best wishes to you and your wife.



    robjbeave…welcome to our site. I don’t recall any discussions on this board regarding Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for the treatment of intraperitoneal nodules in CC patients but, I am hoping for someone to come forward with some information for your. Dr. Andrew Lowy, UC San Diego has been known to use this particular treatment however, I don’t know whether he has used it to treat CC patients. But, hopefully someone else will.
    All my best wishes,


    looking for any info , My wife 48 was diagnosed in 2005 and had half her liver removed ,severals surgeries to remove tumors and app, ovaries and other unneeded organs later ,she has 7 to 8 small nodules growing in the peritoneal cavity. Dr at u of penn. reluctant to operate suggested debulking w heated chemo which is used for other gastric and gynelogical cancer. wondering if anyone knows of drs in pitts or columbia who may be famaliar w surgery

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