Any research out there on whether or not connection to colon cancer?

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Any research out there on whether or not connection to colon cancer?

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    Thank you for your responses. I will probably keep looking around at things. I remember my dad asking his oncologist what causes this and I’m sure I will never have a full answer but it would be nice to have a little something to say that would relate to his battle. He didn’t ask many questions throughout his fight and he never once complained but that one moment has really stuck with me. I feel as though I owe it to him and myself to connect something together. It seemed important to him in his understanding of it all and it now has become important to me.



    Kal – There does seem to be some connection with patients who have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and/or Crohn’s disease, which causes inflammation in the colon….so I think a connection with colon cancer could actually be a possibility as well. Just thinking out loud…….Nancy


    kal….from what I have learned no connection has been made re: CC and other cancers as of to date. Scientists are working hard on deciphering the gene codes, but there is still much to be discovered. I remember you Dad having been diagnosed with Colon Cancer and then CC some years later. Although, we have seen several cases similar to your Dad’s case the majority of patients on this site however, do not present with a previous cancer diagnoses. What still holds true (I have been told) is that some people are highly susceptible to having one particular cancer only to also have it followed by another kind of cancer. Keep stirring the pot, Kelly and as you know already we are on your side.
    All my best wishes,


    I will be sure to let you all know if I ever hear anything. I was hoping to stir the pot a little and maybe someone who has access to records of patients would want to put a percentage together and see if it is significant or not.

    : thank you for your personal response, I hope the best for you in your fight. Interesting that your oncologist has noticed it too….


    I am curios if it goes the other way also, if you have cc will you have a greater chance for colon cancer? Cathy


    I was diagnosed with colon/rectal/vaginal cancer in May of 2009 and had the tumor removed in August of 2009. I had a permanent colostomy installed. In November of 2009 I was operated on due to a complication from surgery and or radiation. (They never could decide.) In Feb 2010 I had half my liver removed. This was in addition to chemo and radiation. I was found to have Stage IV CC two days before Xmas 2010. My Onc said many people who have colon cancer get CC although they aren’t sure why.

    I started on chemo of gem/cis but after three treatments it was found not to be working. I’m off it now but am going to Fox Chase Cancer Center next Thursday to see if they have anything available for me.


    Dear Kelly

    While I do not have any information or know of any research, I have a similar question. Initially, it was thought that my husband had colon cancer at the site of the transverse colon. I don’t think that was ever ruled out, but the CC was the bigger issue and got all the attention. My husband had tenderness at the site of the transverse colon for about 2 years prior to his diagnosis.

    I’d be interested in what you find out.l



    I wrote about this a couple of years ago because I had recently lost my dad to cholangiocarcinoma. He had colon cancer 17 years prior to being diagnosed with cc and we were told they were unrelated. However, everytime I am on this site I seem to see more and more people with a similar story. Their loved one had colon cancer X amount of years before cholangiocarcinoma. I have tried to find any article or study with a percent of people with cc having had colon cancer prior and can’t find anything. I am just wondering if there is a connection or if anyone has ever researched that idea? I have already lost my dad but it would be comforting to know if there was something to this to help people be tested for cc if they are at a greater risk. Anyone that has been diagnosed with it has always been blindsided as there seems to be no rhyme or reason for getting this. Atleast other types of cancers, breast for example, have some big and known risk factors (although not always true for everyone). Probably a shot in the dark on asking this but I would like to know for some peace of mind.


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