Any stage 3a warriors out there?

Discussion Board Forums Survivor Stories Any stage 3a warriors out there?

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    Thought I’d post here in reply, even though the OP is 9 months old.

    My diagnosis is just about identical – Stage IIIa Distal ECC after a Whipple. The tumor had begun to invade the mesenteric artery and cancer was found in 8 of 15 lymph nodes removed. That was in March 2021. Six months of chemo followed (capecitabine).

    I’m now 1 year post diagnosis and the last two scans have been clear, so NED. Hope your father-in-law’s treatment has been successful.


    Hi, I am in a similar situation. I had the whipple surgery and was found to have 2 nodes with cancer. I did 6 months of chemo and that ended in March of this year. So far no new cancer has been found. Surgery was 1 year ago. I can’t say what is coming but the oncologist is hopeful and so am I. I hope the same goes for your father-in-law.


    Hello everyone, my name is Daisy, I live in New Zealand and am a newbie here. My father in law just received his histology report after he had the Whipple procedure done. We were all anticipating a somewhat more favourable presentation (initially the doctors said ‘we found it early’) but now received the news that he has been Distal Cholangiocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma) stage 3a with 4 positive nodes but negative margins. He has a 4 year old son and I suppose all I would like to know is ‘is there any hope at all that he will see that lil chap growing up?’ If anyone can share some stories of hope, that would mean a lot right now. Many Thanks

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