Any thing is possible now

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  • #30250

    Dear Asif,

    I don’t know any other doctors to recommend, but I just wanted to say that your are a wonderful brother. I send you all my best wishes, and will keep you and your brother in my prayers.



    Asif…..Phone: (781) 744-2500 Fax.: (781) 744-5743. You will be in touch with Julie Doyle, the administrator for Dr. Jenkins.
    Good luck,

    marions wrote:
    Asif….I am so sorry to hear about your Brother but, I am happy to see that you have found us. Do you have all medical records availble such as, blood tests, CT scans, doctor’s reports, etc? If so, then you might want to get in touch with Dr. Jenkins. Others may have suggestions, also.
    Dr. Roger Jenkins
    Lahey Clinic
    Burlington, Mass
    (781) 744-2500
    Julie Doyle

    Good luck and keep me posted. Let me know if you need additional help.

    Thanks for your reply I am really very happy to see ur reply.
    If you can send me email address of Dr. Roger Jenkins I will send him as well if you need. I can send you through email all reports.
    my email is


    Hello Asif, we are very sorry to hear what your family is going through. I found the following doctor to be helpful from a distance….

    Dr. Ronald DeMatteo
    Department of Surgery
    Head, Division of General Surgical Oncology;
    Director, General Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program
    Phone; 212-639-5726
    Online Bio:

    Mailing address: Dr. Ronald DeMatteo
    Attn (Receptionist): Betty
    Room C8911275 York Ave.
    New York, NY 10065, USA

    We found DeMatteo’s office willing to review Dad’s records and scans, without having to travel there. They also told us that we had to send the scans on CD – through postal mail, as the resolution would not transfer appropriately when sending the scans through e-mail. They also recomended that we send them with a tracking number.

    Wishing your brother all the best,



    Asif….I am so sorry to hear about your Brother but, I am happy to see that you have found us. Do you have all medical records availble such as, blood tests, CT scans, doctor’s reports, etc? If so, then you might want to get in touch with Dr. Jenkins. Others may have suggestions, also.
    Dr. Roger Jenkins
    Lahey Clinic
    Burlington, Mass
    (781) 744-2500
    Julie Doyle

    Good luck and keep me posted. Let me know if you need additional help.


    Dear All members.

    I am new here My Brother name Mr.Iftikhar Ahmed age 43 years.
    He had been working in Jeddah-Saudia Arabia Since last 15 years. IN LAst August 2008 Diagnose Jaundice Total Biluribbon was 16 Drs adviced him should admit and after ultra sound and ERCP they Found a blockage in Bil Duck and suppose may be its Tumor and its Cholangiocarcinoma.
    We decided should back to Pakistan and we will go to Singapore India or any other good place but unfortunately when he was coming Dr.Inserted 2 Metallic Stent for Bile passing ( Now I have read stent place in last when Doctor decided nothing is possible). IN Pakistan lot of Doctors advice should go to India there is good facilities for Liver transplant and surgery so They went to India Apollo Hospital Chennai In October. Doctor took Surgery but they failed in operation and after that they decided now he is better and can go his home country.IN March 2009 Again Jaundice and after CT scan Structure increased and again blockage so IN Pakistan Doctor again insert third stent for bile passing but recently LFT shows problem in bile passing and jaundice is continue at same level 12 to 13.
    Now I requested all of you member specially who are leaving in USA and Uk Please contact me and discuss My Brother case with your docotrs and take advice now what is possibilities if they think still any thing is possible we can move any where but should be confident that what can be happen now?
    I shall be very thnak full all of member efforts please do some thing for me and for my brother you all are hope for me and my Brother.
    Please reply me I can send you all reports through email.

    Please contact me and help me.
    Asif Iqbal

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