Anyone Anemic while having CC?

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    My mom has been anemic the entire year before being diagnosed for CC a month ago. I still think this is related, although the doctors want to look at both as separate issues. She was not able to get a complete source of her anemia and does not have bone marrow cancer. She has had 7 transfusions this year. Due to this anemia, an oncologist determined that she could not get treatment for her cancer with chemo or radiation which makes sense, as this can shorten her life rather than do any good. She also can’t be eligible for clinical trials. Her anemia needs to be controlled and the source found. It’s hard to determine if it’s the anemia causing her symptoms or the cancer as symptoms can be the same: fatigue, loss of weight or appetite, mild jaundice, or looking sick.

    Does anyone have anemia while having CC? This excludes patients undergoing chemo, since chemo causes anemia. She already has symptoms of chemo without having chemo. We would not have even let her have chemo due to her anemia, and no doctor in their right mind would suggest it or they are misleading patient.

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