I know I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but just wondering if there was anyone else on here who had intrahepatic CC as a result of ulcerative colitis. UC seems to be Kathy’s only risk factor, but she never had PSC symptoms. If (fingers crossed) surgery is successful for her ICC, I’m guessing afterwards she’d have to deal with the PSC also. Anyone out there in a similar situation? I know some PSC pts get transplants, but right now she doesnt fit transplant criteria. On the forum I saw a pt’v video from the annual meeting where she was able to convince a surgeon to do a transplant despite not fitting the criteria. Would her story help convince a tumor board towards transplant? Would a directed liver donor help change a surgeons mind? If not has anyone treated the PSC with steroids after being diagnosed with ICC? I know these question are for way down the road for kathy but Im still trying to figure out steps b,c,d,e, etc. while we still have time to research stuff.