Anyone had their liver tickled?

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    Hi Kris,

    I had two liver biopsies, 3 weeks apart, (the kind like Jeff had…with the big ol’ needle in your gut) when they were trying to diagnose my cancer. The first time, they hadn’t told the radiologist that I even had a tumor, so he tried to work around it and got tissue from the liver only. The second, which is the one that actually diagnosed me, was specifically for the tumor and was done on 12-26-06. Yep, the day after Christmas. My sister-in-law called me back on 12-29-06 to let me know the diagnosis. I am still not sure which of us was more upset.

    Anyway, mine were both done in the IR room (Interventional Radiology) and were CT guided. I was not asleep in either, but they did give me the fentanyl/verset combo. It certainly didn’t make it not hurt, but all in all, it really wasn’t that bad.

    However, I am not sure that that is what you are talking about. The “percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram” is something different, I believe and I bet they do put you night-night for that.

    I am glad that they are moving forward and getting this checked into. Keep us up to date!



    Thanks for the info Jeff.
    I cant believe they moved you!! I think my doctor here has got my number because right when I opened my mouth to ask a question (without only 2 syallables out) he interrupted and said “You will be sleeping.” You are so calm about things. I would probaby have that hysterical laugh if they wheeled me down the corridor with a protruding needle!

    I will find out tomorrow where and when this will hopefully take place.



    Hi Kris, My liver was biopsied with the straight in approach with special needle that snips a piece of the liver. It was CT giuided. They first tryed doing it in a room with sonogram machine. Didn’t work, so off I go down the halls to the CT scan room with this this bopsy needle sticking straight up in the air with enough people surrounding me so I wouldn’t get bumped I guess. Ha! you would think it was a scene from the tv show Scrubs! My lung biopsy was done endoscopically similar just a little more complicated than just rammimg a needle in my gut. Ignore you ? Nah, couldn’t do that, wouldn’t be fun.
    Jeff G.


    I figured out what it is called percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (THANKS Carol for reccommending Dr. Sanoff to me). I feel much better since I emailed her and she responded that this is the procedure she would want to give me. How elitist and arrogant of me to think well ok, that is what they would do to me in the USA!!!! I feel terrible for worrying so about my care when I really do like and trust my Swedish doctor. But with a population at less than 9 million, it is not as if they have much experience with cc.

    So I feel relieved and everyone can now just ignore me for the rest of the day.



    Ok, since the ERCP was unsuccessful due to my new plumbing my doctors are in a quandry about what to do. They are putting together a couple of options….
    1. Do another PET/CT scan and look again-my last one was in August.
    2. HAve a liver biopsy in which the knock me out, go through my liver and into my bile duct where they were brush my suspicious area and check for cancer cells. Has anyone ever had this done? I am concerned as I *think* I remember reading something that this was not good as it was possible for cancer cells to spread this way.

    Has anyone else done something different to investigate an area that was difficult to reach? Help-I dont want my liver tickled.


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