I never use this site,but it looks ok to use except that I am afraid who will evaluate your case? Are they doctors or nurses who specialized in cancer or just discharging planners in the medical field? Or even worse,they are just trained office workers.Also if one clinical trial pays them better,will they try to get you there instead of the one that you may really needed?
Most of the clinical trials are university hospital based and most likely they will be far apart for the each clinical trial if not the only one available to that region.
By the way,the site” Emerging med “only list bile duct cancer under the general search term of liver cancer.
Also,as I mentioned in the other replies,there are a lot of side effects for those molecularly targeted agents (the anti-EGFR agent like erlotinib can cause pneumonias which can be fatal. or the angiogenesis inhibitors like bevacizumab(Avastin) can cause hypertension ,liver abscess and colon perforation.) The other concern is that drug resistance can be developed for all those targeted therapy drugs ” nibs and mabs ” and you may consider that as well.
As a matter of fact our Gavin provided this link in Feb.2011 http://trialx.com/curebyte/2011/02/26/cholangiocarcinoma-studies-in-rochester-minnesota-mn/ .
and this is an other way to find clinical trial near you.All you need is to put in the zip code and it will show the clinical trial location near you;but again the above caution that I mentioned still apply.
I hope the suggestion helps.