arcitle: ex vivo surgery on liver and abdominal tumor

Discussion Board Forums Surgery, Resection & Transplant Treatment Options arcitle: ex vivo surgery on liver and abdominal tumor

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    Kim, glad you’re still doing well.

    The unusual things surrounding my surgery are my age (70 at the time), and cardiac condition (severe heart attack in 2001, followed by emergency by-pass and mitral valve repair at Columbia done by Mehmet Oz, another of CPMC’s superheroes. I had several VT (cardiac) events during the liver surgery, but both were handling by Dr. H. Thomas Lee, a anesthetist, who had been a cardiac anesthetist in an earlier life. I’ve been very fortunate!

    This is a link to a NY Times article about one of Dr. Kato’s most challenging surgeries:

    I just looked … same link as first post in this thread. My bad!


    Hey Jim, I was so excited to read your post. Dr. Kato also performed ex vivo surgery on me in July of this year, also left lobe resection with many bionic parts as well. It has been 4 mos since my surgery & I am feeling well. I have been writing all over this website about Dr. Kato & now I’ve stumbled into you. How wonderful. Yes, Dr. Kato is a true miracle worker. So how are you doing since your surgery? I hope all is well. Please keep in touch. I’d love to hear more of your story.


    Dr. Kato performed a left hepatic lobe resection on me April 2009, and he is truly a miracle worker. He is the only one performing ex-vivo procedures, that I know of. An hour long video recounting his backround and some of his miraculous surgeries is available as a free download here:

    If not too many people request, I could ship a CD with the hour long video in mp4 format playable under RealPlayer 11 or Quicktime. My wife and I have cameo appearances (in the middle and at the end) from tape they shot of Dr Kato’s patient visits Oct 09.

    See also my post in < Marc "May" be a Candidate by jeffgrieder> thread.


    WOW! That’s all I can say…..


    This is an amazing article. Thanks, Patty!!


    Librarians know EVERYTHING! (And what they don’t know, they can find out in two seconds flat.)


    In my quest to keep up with the ever exploding world of information I signed up for a daily e-mail from the NY Times and it popped up today, they have a cancer page with links to some other articles:



    That is absolutely AMAZING. How did you run across this article??

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